This is the single source of truth for the priority list of problems, needs and feature candidates that are still being discovered and incepted. They are not ready to put in the delivery pipe yet, but we need to prioritize together what we spend time on to move to pipe-ready.
The list will be reviewed and updated regularly, during global hangouts or dedicated pitching session, or through lazy consent.
You can view the status of the features through the subcategory they are in.
Trace order amendments through invoice lines and generate legally compliant invoices
Estimated T-shirt size: ?
Product owners: Myriam (@MyriamBoure) and Rachel (@Rachel)
Tech owner: not yet
Original wishlist and discovery topics: Make OFN invoices legally compliant, Make info on quantity ordered/delivered/invoiced/voided/paid accurate
No feature candidate clearly identified yet
Estimated T-shirt size: ?
Product owners: Myriam (@MyriamBoure) and Rachel (@Rachel)
Tech owner: not yet
Original wishlist and discovery topics: Enable different fees to be charged based on tag rules (wishlist), An enterprise can give multiple prices to a product given customer category
GPS coordinates
Estimated T-shirt size: ?
Product owner: Myriam (@MyriamBoure)
Tech owner: not yet
Original wishlist and discovery topic: (no other post)
Identify customers on orders view
Estimated T-shirt size: ?
Product owner: Myriam (@MyriamBoure)
Tech owner: not yet
Original wishlist and discovery topics: (no other post)
Bulk capture of payments
Estimated T-shirt size: ?
Product owner: Myriam (@MyriamBoure)
Tech owner: not yet
Original wishlist and discovery topics: (no other post)
Multiple orders in one OC display and management
Estimated T-shirt size: M
Product owner: Myriam (@MyriamBoure)
Tech owner: not yet
Original wishlist and discovery topics: (no other post)
Inception ready
Product chain traceability prototype
Product owner: ?
Tech owner: ?
Original wishlist and discovery topic: (to add)