November 2nd update
Reminder: this is mostly about our current work. No one is full time nor working regular hours per week. This makes it super difficult to estimate when the item listed below will be ticked off.
Changes (status) in bold
In Play
Tax reports: No changesThe last report has been released as “deprecated” because there are still a few issues left. See full epic here: [Enterprise fees w/ Tax Report by Producer] Pending issues · Issue #11532 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub however you can start using it if the shop you are running is not using fees.
Backoffice UI uplift: Still in progress, we will share more info as soon as something can be tested by IM. First step towards Network 2.0 - our product list is getting a face lift. Also AngularJS will be removed from the product list. This will lay the ground for every shiny new experience network 2.0 is about.
Context: Backoffice Product List table user interface uplift 1
DFC product API mapping: Still in progress, we will share more info as soon as something can be tested by IM. @maikel is leading on this. This project is being funded by FR DFC, UK FDC and AU. Here is the epic for the remaining work.
Legally compliant invoices: previously called “History of invoice changes”: Still in progress, we will share more info as soon as something can be tested by IM Trace order amendments through invoice lines and generate legally compliant invoices - #46 by Rachel
Vouchers & credits: 1 bug left to fix
kudos to @Gaetan After current issues have been released this work will pause until further funding is secured. Find the epic here. Full spec on Discourse here.
Reports with download links: Still in beta test in AU production Reports will soon be handled by a background job. We want to push this work further and allow in the future very big report to be downloaded (this will required to send a link to the user).
Fix ofn-install build : This is DONE
Big contrats to @maikel for closing this long lasting issue! - Github
Release test automation: Very good progress has been made here thanks to @filipefurtado - manual release testing has been cut in half at least Testers are spending around an hour each week to test the release. what a joy it would bring to them to stop doing this repetitive task.
Product Refactor: No changes Now on to the details. More here and here - Part 1 to 3 and Product Refactor & DFC / REST API discussion [Jul 2023]
Improve VCR testing: In progress - This automated tool will enable us to test automatically Stripe. It would avoid a lot of bugs in the future!
- Supporting docker for contributors : No changes When new contributors want to work on the project they often use docker on their local machine. But no one in the core team uses it, so it’s often not working properly. We want to change this.
- API test automation: No changes As we are progressing with building our API, we need to lay the structure for its automated testing**
- Bye-bye angular: No changes A long and ongoing project to remove AngularJS and replace with the reactive rails stack
Up next
What will happen next?
- Product list tags: on our path to remove inventory, we need to be able to tag products
- Product modal: Unique URLs for Products
- New funded feature : Discovery endpoints, which has a deadline in August.
See last product roadmap discussion here: Product circle March 15th