Continuing the discussion from Product curation meeting #22 notes - 22 September 2020:
Done since last time we met
Current view of roadmap
In play
Stripe SCA compliance phase 1 + automated tests (@lin_d_hop + @luisramos0) - new epic for automated test has been created, is in the pipe and has 3 issues. Moving along.
Mobile shopping improvements (@danielle + @maikel) - @danielle handing over responsibility for final pieces to @maikel and @Erioldoesdesign, this week hopefully image resizing will be in a release and ready to do and then the following week the product listing new design will be part of that next release. All going to plan. Then all that’s left are a few tweaks. All the detail can be found in the #mobile-ux channel on Slack.
The BI database replica for use with Metabase (@Jana + @Matt-Yorkley) - databases for FR and AU are up to date and working in real time. Next steps are to meet with @sauloperez and @Matt-Yorkley to work through how/what to set up dashboards. Will look into how the dashboard set up for one instance could be easily replicated for the rest. CA still needs to be set up. These 3 instances were unable to deal with tax hell, so this piece of work was meant to be a way to solve that problem for the 3 instances as an interim solution. Will also need to learn how to use Metabase, and how the tax report can get set up in there to solve this initial problem that came out of the reporting initiative. Recommendation is to get someone with SQL skills to do this paid work for the instances who need this set up. France is doing things independently using Paco as it links into their invoicing process. All that’s left is to get Canada up and running the same as FR and AU.
Allowing shoppers to agree on T&Cs (@lin_d_hop + @sauloperez) - everything is in code review, waiting to then be tested and finished.
Rails Upgrade 4.1 (@luisramos0) - kick off for this work to be organised by @luisramos0. And @Kirsten needs to document pin payments flow/solution to incorporate into testing for further upgrade testing work.
Next up
Stripe SCA compliance - Subscriptions (@lin_d_hop + @luisramos0) - ready for delivery pipe.
Rails Upgrade 4.2 (@luisramos0) - not yet started.
Consumer price comparison / Unit price (@Jana + @Erioldoesdesign) - solution has been determined, this first simple version is where the enterprise user can’t edit the price, it will be displayed on all instances. A later version will allow users to decide if they want to show this price or not. Not yet in GitHub, is being designed at present. Once design is done there will be a check in with @Jana and @rachel to make sure requirements are met. A quick overview of the design was provided during the curation session. Need a tech lead for this, should try to assign this ASAP.
Invoice number system (@Erioldoesdesign + @Rachel + @luisramos0) - waiting for re-inception.
History of invoice changes (@Erioldoesdesign + @Rachel + @luisramos0) - waiting for re-inception.
Networking pt 1 (@Kirsten + @luisramos0 + @Mario ) - Mario walked through what he’s done to get to the point of proposing a small software release experiment to measure, learn and feedback on the path for the networking feature. Testing a couple of hypotheses with associated metrics to monitor. Mario is going away for 2 months so will be handing over to @Erioldoesdesign (and Sue?). Design team will discuss and come back to team with plan for how this small first piece of work could be done whilst still allowing for higher priority pieces to remain the priority. Note: We recorded this overview, which will be shared by @lin_d_hop here and on slack (Thanks Lynne).
Adapted weights and measures (@Jana + hopefully @luisramos0?) - question remains regarding whether any further work is required for this particular piece of work. The first pass has been completed, however there’s a question of whether there’s a compliance issue for the UK. But the immediate need that made this a priority has been solved. Next steps: @Jana will discuss with Andy (volunteer dev) to see if the remaining small amount of work to create an instance toggle for the imperial measures (and also extend this to consider it as an enterprise level setting), could be done as part of his volunteer effort.
Improved reporting (@lin_d_hop + @Rachel + @Matt-Yorkley) - no change since last session.