OFN Scandinavia Backlog

The following items are to be picked up by the OFN Australia team for development:

Critical items

VAT not included (and detailed) in product price in shopfront

GitHub #725 - uncertain who will fund this piece of work at this stage.
GitHub #773 - completed in v1.5
Note: Further discussion about how to fix tax happening here

Invoice internationalisation


Possibility to print several orders in one shoot

In the order view it would be nice to be able to print all the orders matching a given filter. The output would be one PDF containing all the order prints
Discourse #509


Github Project #4

Embeddable shopfront

Discussed in white labelling D#313 and in dev D#757
Github Project #6

Nice to have items

Box Builder feature


Applying filters to the Map view


Shopfront feature/message when a product runs out of stock

Discourse #510

Quantities “on hand” adaptating when variants are a sub-product of the main product

Discourse #480

Version history on common objects such as Product, Order, Order Cycle, Enterprise, etc…

Discourse #455

Progress bar / indication to show where we are in a bulk order

Discourse #456

Hi @MyriamBoure, @Olivier and @sigmundpetersen :smiley:

In an effort to replace @Kirsten’s rather large brain full of all things, we’re attempting a new way of managing the list of items of work that different local sites or enterprises require us to complete. You can see the OFN UK page for an example, and also the Food Connect page originally set up by Kirsten to manage the large wishlist and backlog that came in from that team.

I’m going to be monitoring this page for any new stuff that the OFN Norway (Scandinavia?) team add to the wiki page, and also updating the status on each of them as the OFN Australia team pick up the items and start working on them. You can see that I’ve added the two items we’re currently working on / have on our backlog are already added here, and I’ll keep updating the status of them as we complete them and deploy them in a release.

What I’m hoping you can do is to add all the other items that you have sitting on Discourse to this list, so that it becomes the single source of truth for what work you’re wanting us to do. No need to add much detail here, just link off to the other Discourse or GitHub pages where you’ve already done the hard work adding the detail. You’ll need to prioritise all the issues you’ve added to be critical, important, or nice to have, so that we know how to prioritise them against all the other items we have in the larger OFN AU backlog.

If you need further clarification around any of this then please let me know. I’m happy to have a Google Hangout chat about it too, if that helps :smile:


Great :smile: ! Sorry for the delay, just back from vacation. @MyriamBoure and myself are working on cleaning up our list and we will be posting the remaining items here in the coming days

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@danielle: thanks a lot again for that! Just a question about how to manage that page: for issues that we are concerned with but that are global (like the VAT think, which also concerns UK), should we put it in this list? I guess yes, and it’ just a place to tell what are the priorities for us, regardless of the fact it is a global problem or a specific one… just to be sure :wink:

@MyriamBoure I think it’s a good idea to include global issues if it’s something that you’re particularly concerned about and wanting fixed. That way I know which ones to let you know about (which I’ll do on this page) as they are resolved and deployed :smile:

@danielle I have moved the VAT point as Critical, we are starting to work with a group of producers, a formal company, willing ro organize group sales, but they need the VAT thing to be managed properly. Even in our own buying group we had to say that we don’t collect VAT, and put the master price including VAT… but we are wrong from the begining because then the entreprise fees, that have a different VAT rate (25%), are calculated on the master price of theproduct which includes a 15% VAT rate (for food products)… so we are not doing it properly right now with the workaround we were using.

No worries @MyriamBoure, at the moment @oeoeaio is working his way through a few issues we seem to be having with the way tax works, so looking at tax is a priority for us in this current sprint.

Completed items removed from list

Fix international “Add to Cart”

Discourse #440
GitHub: @MyriamBoure is there a GitHub number for this as well? @danielle, no issue on GitHub, Rohan said the fix he made would be merged around the 14th, so we wait until then to be able to test.
Status: Fixed and deployed. Issue considered to be closed now.

Max values getting lost

GitHub #669
Status: In milestone 1.4 to be worked on in January 2016. New fix release on 07/01, should be tested in next upgrade. As at Jan 20th is in Aus Production.

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Added items about Paypal payment details. Thumbs up for the max value! :+1:

@danielle for info the confirmation email problem is solved @sigmundpetersen managed to solve it himself :slight_smile: It seems there are still untranslated things from the hackaton that Sigmund translated directly on the servor, but that should probably be added to Transifex (ping @maikel) but I guess that’s what @nickwhite is working on :slight_smile:
So I keep the point in “important” as I guess the fix is not a long term one and it needs to be added to Transifex.

We have more hubs in need of online payments and this has become a priority issue. Can we get an estimate to cover the Paypal security issue? Hopefully the norwegian budget might be able to cover this.
ping @RohanM @danielle @sigmundpetersen

Hey @CynthiaReynolds, not a problem, I’ll get the team to provide a quote for GitHub #798.

One suggestion though - there are a few different PayPal issues in GitHub that may be worth considering alongside of this piece of work. Perhaps yourself and/or @Olivier should have a look at these as well and determine whether any of these are issues for Scandinavia as well?

In the meantime we’ll get you a quote for #798.


Just went through very quick the other paypal issues and none of them are critical to us.

That was quick, thanks @Olivier!

@maikel has sized this piece of work and the estimate is $100AUD (Approximately 70 euros). @CynthiaReynolds, are you happy for us to complete this work as part of the next release?

Thanks @danielle @maikel that is a worthwhile investment for us, before starting, while we are looking at payment gateways, could we also get a quote on incorporating MangoPay e-wallets at the same time?
It solves many issues on our end, enabling us to incubate producers who are not yet established as legal entities :wink:

ping @sigmundpetersen @LucieB

@CynthiaReynolds @danielle @maikel I think the MangoPay issue is a bit more complicated than the current payment options, and I know @lin_d_hop was also interested for UK (https://github.com/openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork/issues/824), and we are as well interested in France :slightly_smiling: I have a skype call with them on Wednesday, I propose to open a discussion on Discourse so that we all agree on the processes (for example, we need at some point a “validation” from the hub manager when all the products have been delivered and the adjustement made, so that the amounts can flow to the good e-wallets. There are also implications on entreprise fees, some of them can represent the commission of the hub (and then should be redirected to the e-wallet of the hub), some others could be due to the producer (for example if the logistic is taken in charge by the producer and the money needs to go to him)… So it’s not an easy job, lots of things to consider, it’s not like Paypal :wink:

excellent! @MyriamBoure I look forward to seeing how we can manage the implementation :slightly_smiling:
@danielle @maikel looks like we just move forward with the PayPal fix for now. Thanks!
ping @sigmundpetersen @LucieB

@danielle today we had our first Scandinavia hangout :slight_smile: the community is building and we will be looking to develop a multilingual and multicurrency instance.
Shall we rename this conversation to OFN Scandinavia Backlog so that we can use it moving forward. Let me know if you would prefer another solution.
I also note that we have not yet paid for the PayPal solution. Could you please provide me with an invoice so I can transfer the funds?

multilingual/multi currency Scandinavian platform

Our goal is to enable one instance for the entire Scandinavian region to enable cross border trading and new distribution chanels.
In order for the other nordic countries to come on board and test / learn the system as well as manage/visualize translation and taxation levels, we are setting up a separate instance for Sweden which lead to the following questions:

  • Can two instances be merged at a later point in time? if not, what would it take to make it possible?
  • With 2 instances setup, once we merge, do we make the other a staging server?

What are the issues that we need to be aware of?
ping @sigmundpetersen

Hello! You can use this page in whatever way you would like to, it’s your page to edit and change and own :grinning:

It was set up originally as a means of getting our attention in Australia and to manage the work that we do for you, but as with the OFN UK we’ve stopped using this page and instead are using Discourse and GitHub to chat about specific features (and I have a fortnightly catch up with the UK to chat about the work that we’re doing for them).

Thus, feel free to rename the topic and to edit the main content on the page with the new features or bugs or development work that you are focusing on for your local instance. If you ever need someone in Australia to respond to something or to discuss doing particular pieces of work then you can mention myself or Rob or Serenity and we’ll respond. Easy! :smiley:

One thing I would suggest though, would be to create wishlist topics specifically for Multilingual and then separately for multi-currency features for the OFN instead of talking about them on this thread. This is because discussion around the scope of how to develop the feature can happen between everyone (Similar to what you’ve seen happen around Standing Orders and also Wholesale and tagging). Given that India and Switzerland are likely to need at least the multilingual feature and may want to feed into the conversation around how it should be built, and I don’t think they’d know to look here to join in.
