Bulk product progress

Continuing the discussion from Bulk and group buying - wishlist:

Hello everyone,

One feature many of our customers have suggested would be to show for products available in bulk where we stand in term of quantities. Examples:

  • a product is available in bulk of 10
  • sum(min quantities)=3
  • sum(max quantities)=7
  • I put min=max=1 → It would show that we are at 8/10 and that currently I will get 0 products (as 0 will be ordered)
  • a product is available in bulk of 10
  • sum(min quantities)=22
  • sum(max quantities)=28
  • I put min=max=1 → It would show that we are at 9/10 and that currently I will get 0 products (20 will be ordered, but my bulk is not full)
  • I put min=1, max=3 → It would show that we are at 1/10 and that currently I will get 2 products (30 will be ordered)

This is the general idea. The implementation for foodstore, another product, is showcased here https://vimeo.com/145927538 (go to 5:15 and at 7:40 for a progress bar version) - this could be used for inspiration


tagged buyinggroup for easier linking with other related threads

This has been migrated here: Bulk product progress for shoppers · Issue #129 · openfoodfoundation/wishlist · GitHub