What is the need / problem
Jane/Mary/Shannon/Fred needs to be able to delete their account from OFN
'> not possible today to delete a user account when he has started to use OFN - Mary/Shannon/Fred needs to be able to delete an entreprise they own and don’t use anymore
'> not possible today as soon as any product/order cycle/order is linked to this entreprise - Mary/Shannon needs to be able to cancel access to their private shop to some customers
'> cannot delete a customer from their customer list - Mary/Shannon needs to be able to clean up their order cycle page to see only what is relevant to them
'> cannot delete/archive an order cycle if orders attached - Mary/Shannon/Fred can delete a group they own
'> cannot delete/archive a group - Manel needs to be able to do all that for Shannon/Mary/Fred/Jane
Who does it impact
All users.
What is the current impact of this problem
- Legal compliance: With the EU regulation on data, OFN is supposed to give the tools for a hub to delete the customers data upon request or if the legal duration for data conservation has expired.
- Annoying user experience: Jane is not happy because she cannot delete her account if she wants. Mary, Shannon and Fred are not happy because they are polluted with lots of information they don’t need anymore.
- Private shop are non-functional: There is no way today to remove a customer who previously had access to a private shop, so the hub manager is not able to manage the access to their private shop.
What is the benefit in focusing on this
- Improved user experience = happy users
- Private shops will be managable
- Hubs and instance managers will be able to be legal compliant
Links to more details
- Github epic with 13 detailed speccing (for each case): https://github.com/openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork/issues/1880
- Previous community discussion : What to implement in terms of users/enterprises removal
- GH issue on customer deletion where some discussion happened: https://github.com/openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork/issues/916
- Previous GH issue (replaced by this topic) https://github.com/openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork/issues/1212
Potential solutions that will solve this problem
- Enable “archive” for users, entreprises, order cycle, etc.