Software roadmap 2023

March 2nd update

Reminder: this is mostly about our current work. The team size has changed a lot in recent weeks and we have a lot of new people in the team. Not to mention the fact that no one is full time nor working on regular hours. This makes it super difficult to estimate when the item listed below will be ticked off.


Changes (status) in bold :slight_smile:

Up next (this needs to be properly updated once we move forward on the list above)

What will happen next?

  • Network phase 2 needs to kick-off.

  • Big reports changes are for now paused, we will come back to them later in the year.

Aside of this a number of needs seemed to reach a consensus after the user interviews (this is not a priority order):

Speaking as a hub manager

  • I need to send alerts to my customers
  • I need to have an alert when max orders is reached in an OC
  • I need to manager stock info from producers
  • I need to adjust orders
  • I need to process refunds in bulk
  • I need to let my customer pay with credits
  • I need to have donation options at checkout