Software roadmap 2022

User interviews mentioned in the previous community update were carried out by Eriol & Jana. I couldn’t find the transcript of the interviews but I guess all instances who have participated got the information?
Information out of the interviews helped us to update the list of needs.

Since then, the team changed and we had to pause our roadmapping exercise to focus on delivery.

We are slowly picking things up again.

This post is here to update you on where we are today. It’s published in a closed section of our forum because some fundings are not reading to be public yet. We need to work on another format of the roadmap for wider communication.

Horizon 1: What is the delivery team working on until June?

Before we start… yes we say June, but we are a fully remote team with flexible hours…soooo don’t start communicating “June” to your users just yet :wink:

A little reminder: our pipe is composed of 4 major type of tasks:

  • Features: completely new stuff added to the software! These are considered either mandatory (compliance reasons) or the most HOT topic coming up from our users

  • Tech debt: updates and maintenance stuff we need to carry on to keep our code healthy and secure

  • Sys admin: updates and maintenance stuff we need to carry on to keep our servers healthy and secure (the global team is currently managing 8 servers across the globe)

  • Funded features: More about those here: A proposal for fundraising for features

NB: each week, our delivery team works on these four types of tasks depending on their priority. On top of this the team handles bugs and papercuts, but also critical upgrades we are not always able to plan in advance. This level of detail will not be presented here. If you want to follow our team, checkout our notes on discourse each Tuesday/Wednesday. Or drop by our meeting to say hello!

Back to the main topic: it’s important to note we are still finishing the work on features that were prioritised before the product vision work lead by Jana & Eriol. This means that our current horizon looks like:

A bit more detail on each:

  • Split the checkout: Shoppers’ experience through checkout will be improved by introducing a 3 steps checkout.
    Easier to maintain (adjustments are better handled) and compliant with EU ‘s regulations on online checkout.
    Also this new checkout isn’t using AngularJS anymore!!! This is a big step towards completely removing this old and scary language out of OFN.
    This work is in its final stages. We will soon contact you with more information on the roll-out.
  • Tax reports: First stage on our big reports project. Tax reports will be enhanced. Welcome deeper granularity, hasta la vista rounding errors! [Reports] Tax Totals Report · Issue #6847 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • Backoffice UI uplift: First step towards Network 2.0 - our product list is getting a face lift. Also AngularJS will be removed from the product list :tada: This will lay the ground for every shiny new experience network 2.0 is about.
    Also on the tech side, it will enable us to really start our Styleguide framework (think of it as a catalogue of pre-designed elements our developers can cherry pick!)
    Context: Backoffice Product List table user interface uplift

  • Removing Stripe connect: with Stripe SCA, we do no longer need Stripe connect. To avoid maintenance costs, we removed it from our code. This is DONE now :muscle:

  • Active Storage migration: our images and attachment are handled by a little gem (tool) called Paperclip. Paperclip is deprecated and needs to be replaced by Active Storage. This will enable us to keep our AWS buckets updated as well. More on that: Migrate Paperclip to ActiveStorage · Issue #6347 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • OIDC authentication: This is funded by the Data Food Consortium project. First step into more interoperability is to ensure we can authenticate users and share only their data - when they agree to it. OIDC is a web standard that allows users to login on apps. As this is a first prototype, instances will be able to choose whether or not they want to activate OIDC. Also note that we will only handle login for accounts which already exists. You can do account creation with OIDC, but this is out of scope of this funding.

  • Customer API v1 endpoint: this is funded by AU, UK and a little bit by FR. It will result in our first v1 API endpoints with all information related to our customers. More info: [API] Customers Endpoint · Issue #8787 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • DFC product API: next steps (funded by DFC project + AU and UK) are around getting our product catalogue on the API and handling create/update/delete actions! This means we need OFN API product endpoints to be updated in v1 first!

  • Linking order cycles to shipping and payment methods: funded by CA, US, UK and FR, we will be able to tag shipping and payment methods to OC!

Have a question? Don’t hesitate to drop it here in the thread :slight_smile:

What will happen after June?

Well… we still have some compliance work to do. In particular: History of invoices changes and numbering system: in the EU, invoices should carry the history of order changes and have a numbering system fitting requirements. On the bright side, we won’t have any more support requests starting with “I swear I haven’t deleted anything on the order…those eggs really disappeared!!”

Our reports project needs to go forward : especially improving packing reports, and reports used to pay producers (among many other things the product team needs to tidy-up and order! :sweat_smile: )

Network phase 2 needs to kick-off.

Aside of this a number of needs seemed to reach a consensus after the user interviews (this is not a priority order):

Speaking as a hub manager

  • I need to send alerts to my customers
  • I need to have an alert when max orders is reached in an OC
  • I need to manager stock info from producers
  • I need to adjust orders
  • I need to process refunds in bulk
  • I need to propose discounts and vouchers
  • I need to let my customer pay with credits
  • I need to have donation options at checkout

It’s a bit too early in the process to tell you how everything will set to music for horizon 2. Yet a lot of instances are depending on a high level roadmap for their funding applications! This is partly why the product team is working in parallel on the relaunch project:

More info to come soon on this!

ping @instance_managers @delivery


June 7th 2022 update

Not everything is done :frowning: and estimations on when Horizon 1 will be done are tough. Let’s see if we can finish for end of September.

Changes (status) in bold:

  • Split the checkout: Currently in beta-test. More info here New checkout feature (split-checkout) - rollout - #18

  • Reports improvements: Unscheduled contribution - DONE, more info here: Upcoming reports improvements

  • Tax reports: No changes. First stage on our big reports project. Tax reports will be enhanced. Welcome deeper granularity, hasta la vista rounding errors! [Reports] Tax Totals Report · Issue #6847 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • Backoffice UI uplift: Early work in code review. First step towards Network 2.0 - our product list is getting a face lift. Also AngularJS will be removed from the product list. This will lay the ground for every shiny new experience network 2.0 is about.
    Also on the tech side, it will enable us to really start our Styleguide framework (think of it as a catalogue of pre-designed elements our developers can cherry pick!)
    Context: Backoffice Product List table user interface uplift 1

  • Active Storage migration: Almost done. Our images and attachment are handled by a little gem (tool) called Paperclip. Paperclip is deprecated and needs to be replaced by Active Storage. This will enable us to keep our AWS buckets updated as well. More on that:

  • OIDC authentication: No changes. This is funded by the Data Food Consortium project. First step into more interoperability is to ensure we can authenticate users and share only their data - when they agree to it. OIDC is a web standard that allows users to login on apps. As this is a first prototype, instances will be able to choose whether or not they want to activate OIDC. Also note that we will only handle login for accounts which already exists. You can do account creation with OIDC, but this is out of scope of this funding.

  • Customer API v1 endpoint: DONE. this is funded by AU, UK and a little bit by FR. It will result in our first v1 API endpoints with all information related to our customers. More info:

  • DFC product API: First re-inceptions have taken place. Next steps (funded by DFC project + AU and UK) are around getting our product catalogue on the API and handling create/update/delete actions! This means we need OFN API product endpoints to be updated in v1 first!

  • Linking order cycles to shipping and payment methods: This work has been started by Cillian as a contribution from OFN Ireland! Funded by CA, US, UK and FR, we will be able to tag shipping and payment methods to OC!

Up next (no changes)

What will happen next?

Well… we still have some compliance work to do. In particular: History of invoices changes and numbering system: in the EU, invoices should carry the history of order changes and have a numbering system fitting requirements. On the bright side, we won’t have any more support requests starting with “I swear I haven’t deleted anything on the order…those eggs really disappeared!!”

Our reports project needs to go forward : especially improving packing reports, and reports used to pay producers (among many other things the product team needs to tidy-up and order! )

Network phase 2 needs to kick-off.

Aside of this a number of needs seemed to reach a consensus after the user interviews (this is not a priority order):

Speaking as a hub manager

  • I need to send alerts to my customers
  • I need to have an alert when max orders is reached in an OC
  • I need to manager stock info from producers
  • I need to adjust orders
  • I need to process refunds in bulk
  • I need to propose discounts and vouchers
  • I need to let my customer pay with credits
  • I need to have donation options at checkout
1 Like

July 15th 2022 update

Sorry I’m late for this one, will try to do all next one before the global hangout!

End of September to finish everything is going to be tough, but the team is keeping it up :muscle:

Changes (status) in bold:

  • Adding NZ to the global pool of managed server. Upgrading NZ server and adding the server to the list of server upgraded every Tuesday was tougher than we thought. Fingers crossed this will be finished next Monday.

  • Split checkout: No changes. Currently in beta-test. More info here New checkout feature (split-checkout) - rollout - #18

  • Tax reports: No changes. First stage on our big reports project. Tax reports will be enhanced. Welcome deeper granularity, hasta la vista rounding errors! [Reports] Tax Totals Report · Issue #6847 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • Backoffice UI uplift: No changes. First step towards Network 2.0 - our product list is getting a face lift. Also AngularJS will be removed from the product list. This will lay the ground for every shiny new experience network 2.0 is about.
    Also on the tech side, it will enable us to really start our Styleguide framework (think of it as a catalogue of pre-designed elements our developers can cherry pick!)
    Context: Backoffice Product List table user interface uplift 1

  • Active Storage migration: DONE ! KUDOS @maikel !!!. Our images and attachment are handled by a little gem (tool) called Paperclip. Paperclip is deprecated and needed to be replaced by Active Storage. This will enable us to keep our AWS buckets updated as well. More on that:

  • OIDC authentication: No changes. This is funded by the Data Food Consortium project. First step into more interoperability is to ensure we can authenticate users and share only their data - when they agree to it. OIDC is a web standard that allows users to login on apps. As this is a first prototype, instances will be able to choose whether or not they want to activate OIDC. Also note that we will only handle login for accounts which already exists. You can do account creation with OIDC, but this is out of scope of this funding.

  • DFC product API: No changes. Next steps (funded by DFC project + AU and UK) are around getting our product catalogue on the API and handling create/update/delete actions! This means we need OFN API product endpoints to be updated in v1 first!

  • Linking order cycles to shipping and payment methods: Almost done. This work has been started by Cillian as a contribution from OFN Ireland! Funded by CA, US, UK and FR, we will be able to tag shipping and payment methods to OC!

Up next (no changes)

What will happen next?

We still have some compliance work to do. In particular: History of invoices changes and numbering system: in the EU, invoices should carry the history of order changes and have a numbering system fitting requirements. On the bright side, we won’t have any more support requests starting with “I swear I haven’t deleted anything on the order…those eggs really disappeared!!”

Our reports project needs to go forward : especially improving packing reports, and reports used to pay producers (among many other things the product team needs to tidy-up and order! )

Network phase 2 needs to kick-off.

Aside of this a number of needs seemed to reach a consensus after the user interviews (this is not a priority order):

Speaking as a hub manager

  • I need to send alerts to my customers
  • I need to have an alert when max orders is reached in an OC
  • I need to manager stock info from producers
  • I need to adjust orders
  • I need to process refunds in bulk
  • I need to propose discounts and vouchers
  • I need to let my customer pay with credits
  • I need to have donation options at checkout
1 Like

August 8th 2022 update

My miro access was changes and I cannot edit the previous roadmap made by Jana. I’ve redone the post-its on slides.

I’m removing for now any deadline info as the team is down to 2 developers (1,5 FTE). Will brought it back when we have more stability in the team size.

Changes (status) in bold + introducing the work of our amazing testing team (QA)! It got lost in the slackverse, but it’s now officially back on the global roadmap :slight_smile:

  • Adding NZ to the global pool of managed server. DONE - Big applause for @maikel !!!

  • Split checkout: No changes. Currently in beta-test. More info here New checkout feature (split-checkout) - rollout - #18

  • Tax reports: No changes. First stage on our big reports project. Tax reports will be enhanced. Welcome deeper granularity, hasta la vista rounding errors! [Reports] Tax Totals Report · Issue #6847 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • Backoffice UI uplift: No changes. First step towards Network 2.0 - our product list is getting a face lift. Also AngularJS will be removed from the product list. This will lay the ground for every shiny new experience network 2.0 is about.
    Also on the tech side, it will enable us to really start our Styleguide framework (think of it as a catalogue of pre-designed elements our developers can cherry pick!)
    Context: Backoffice Product List table user interface uplift 1

  • Automate reports release testing: DONE, KUDOS to @filipefurtado !!! Each week the testing circle manually test the release before deployment. Especially areas that do not have strong automated tests are done. Now testers can remove reports from this regular testing process! More info on this here: Automate release testing · Issue #4333 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub Also FYI earlier this year, our automated tests got a big uplift detailed here: Replace "feature specs" for "system tests" · Issue #7929 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • Improve Stripe test suite : Stripe still needs a lot of manual testing that we want to cut down. Goal for the end of the year is to have the tools for it up and running: [Spike] Automate Stripe SCA testing using VCR gem · Issue #7767 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • Cut down testing suite length by 5 min on github Actions : We use Github tools to run the automated tests we have (the suite). this takes 20min to run. Lowering this time should ease contributions and day to day work on the project :muscle:

  • OIDC authentication: No changes. This is funded by the Data Food Consortium project. First step into more interoperability is to ensure we can authenticate users and share only their data - when they agree to it. OIDC is a web standard that allows users to login on apps. As this is a first prototype, instances will be able to choose whether or not they want to activate OIDC. Also note that we will only handle login for accounts which already exists. You can do account creation with OIDC, but this is out of scope of this funding.

  • DFC product API: No changes. Next steps (funded by DFC project + AU and UK) are around getting our product catalogue on the API and handling create/update/delete actions! This means we need OFN API product endpoints to be updated in v1 first!

  • Linking order cycles to shipping and payment methods: Failed the testing stage, back to in dev. This work has been started by Cillian as a contribution from OFN Ireland! Funded by CA, US, UK and FR, we will be able to tag shipping and payment methods to OC!

Up next (no changes)

What will happen next?

We still have some compliance work to do. In particular: History of invoices changes and numbering system: in the EU, invoices should carry the history of order changes and have a numbering system fitting requirements. On the bright side, we won’t have any more support requests starting with “I swear I haven’t deleted anything on the order…those eggs really disappeared!!”

Our reports project needs to go forward : especially improving packing reports, and reports used to pay producers (among many other things the product team needs to tidy-up and order! )

Network phase 2 needs to kick-off.

Aside of this a number of needs seemed to reach a consensus after the user interviews (this is not a priority order):

Speaking as a hub manager

  • I need to send alerts to my customers
  • I need to have an alert when max orders is reached in an OC
  • I need to manager stock info from producers
  • I need to adjust orders
  • I need to process refunds in bulk
  • I need to propose discounts and vouchers
  • I need to let my customer pay with credits
  • I need to have donation options at checkout
1 Like

Instead of Miro, we could move to using Github Project boards which can be automatically linked to epics. Just an example how it could look like:

September 5th update: no big changes since August 8th.

October 6th 2022 update


Changes (status) in bold :slight_smile:

  • Change FR prod server. DONE - Big up @maikel and @paco :slight_smile: This was not planned, but FR started to experience crashes regularly. We had to change the server which was running on a old configuration. We took the opportunity to launch the app straight on a recent version of Ubuntu :white_check_mark: .

  • Split checkout: Almost fixed all blockers. Currently in beta-test. Only one critical bug left :muscle: More info here

  • Tax reports: No changes. First stage on our big reports project. Tax reports will be enhanced. Welcome deeper granularity, hasta la vista rounding errors! [Reports] Tax Totals Report · Issue #6847 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • Backoffice UI uplift: No changes. First step towards Network 2.0 - our product list is getting a face lift. Also AngularJS will be removed from the product list. This will lay the ground for every shiny new experience network 2.0 is about.
    Also on the tech side, it will enable us to really start our Styleguide framework (think of it as a catalogue of pre-designed elements our developers can cherry pick!)
    Context: Backoffice Product List table user interface uplift 1

  • Improve Stripe test suite : Stripe still needs a lot of manual testing that we want to cut down. Goal for the end of the year is to have the tools for it up and running: [Spike] Automate Stripe SCA testing using VCR gem · Issue #7767 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub this is now done! KUDOS @filipefurtado :slight_smile: Of course we need now to use the tool, but the goal was to already introduce it, so that’s done!

  • Cut down testing suite length by 5 min on github Actions : No changes. We use Github tools to run the automated tests we have (the suite). this takes 20min to run. Lowering this time should ease contributions and day to day work on the project :muscle:

  • OIDC authentication: No changes. This is funded by the Data Food Consortium project. First step into more interoperability is to ensure we can authenticate users and share only their data - when they agree to it. OIDC is a web standard that allows users to login on apps. As this is a first prototype, instances will be able to choose whether or not they want to activate OIDC. Also note that we will only handle login for accounts which already exists. You can do account creation with OIDC, but this is out of scope of this funding.

  • DFC product API: No changes. Next steps (funded by DFC project + AU and UK) are around getting our product catalogue on the API and handling create/update/delete actions! This means we need OFN API product endpoints to be updated in v1 first!

  • Linking order cycles to shipping and payment methods: First step aka tag shipping methods is now live!!! :tada:. This work has been started by Cillian as a contribution from OFN Ireland! Funded by CA, US, UK and FR, we will be able to tag shipping and payment methods to OC!

Up next (no changes)

What will happen next?

We still have some compliance work to do. In particular: History of invoices changes and numbering system: in the EU, invoices should carry the history of order changes and have a numbering system fitting requirements. On the bright side, we won’t have any more support requests starting with “I swear I haven’t deleted anything on the order…those eggs really disappeared!!”

Our reports project needs to go forward : especially improving packing reports, and reports used to pay producers (among many other things the product team needs to tidy-up and order! )

Network phase 2 needs to kick-off.

Aside of this a number of needs seemed to reach a consensus after the user interviews (this is not a priority order):

Speaking as a hub manager

  • I need to send alerts to my customers
  • I need to have an alert when max orders is reached in an OC
  • I need to manager stock info from producers
  • I need to adjust orders
  • I need to process refunds in bulk
  • I need to propose discounts and vouchers
  • I need to let my customer pay with credits
  • I need to have donation options at checkout
1 Like

November 3rd 2022 update


Changes (status) in bold :slight_smile:

We ticked two things from the roadmap :tada: Yet it will be tough to finish this in 2022 as we are facing performance issues on production servers. However moving things forward is still doable :muscle:

  • Split checkout: No changes. Currently in beta-test. Only one critical bug left :muscle: More info here

  • Tax reports: No changes. First stage on our big reports project. Tax reports will be enhanced. Welcome deeper granularity, hasta la vista rounding errors! [Reports] Tax Totals Report · Issue #6847 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • Backoffice UI uplift: Main PR has been updated and hopefully can reach final code review soon. First step towards Network 2.0 - our product list is getting a face lift. Also AngularJS will be removed from the product list. This will lay the ground for every shiny new experience network 2.0 is about.
    Also on the tech side, it will enable us to really start our Styleguide framework (think of it as a catalogue of pre-designed elements our developers can cherry pick!)
    Context: Backoffice Product List table user interface uplift 1

  • Cut down testing suite length by 5 min on github Actions : This is moving forward, see last testing catchup. We use Github tools to run the automated tests we have (the suite). this takes 20min to run. Lowering this time should ease contributions and day to day work on the project :muscle:

  • OIDC authentication: DONE. This is funded by the Data Food Consortium project. First step into more interoperability is to ensure we can authenticate users and share only their data - when they agree to it. OIDC is a web standard that allows users to login on apps. As this is a first prototype, instances will be able to choose whether or not they want to activate OIDC. Also note that we will only handle login for accounts which already exists. You can do account creation with OIDC, but this is out of scope of this funding. There are rooms for improvement (like login/logout on the same browser no matter the website, but we will see this in other DFC tasks in the future).

  • DFC product API: In progress. Next steps (funded by DFC project + AU and UK) are around getting our product catalogue on the API and handling create/update/delete actions! This means we need OFN API product endpoints to be updated in v1 first!

  • Linking order cycles to shipping and payment methods: DONE :tada:. This work has been started by Cillian as a contribution from OFN Ireland! Funded by CA, US, UK and FR, we will be able to tag shipping and payment methods to OC! An issue remains on multi-distributors order cycles. This is currently handled by a potential new core dev.

Up next (no changes)

What will happen next?

We still have some compliance work to do. In particular: History of invoices changes and numbering system: in the EU, invoices should carry the history of order changes and have a numbering system fitting requirements. On the bright side, we won’t have any more support requests starting with “I swear I haven’t deleted anything on the order…those eggs really disappeared!!”

Our reports project needs to go forward : especially improving packing reports, and reports used to pay producers (among many other things the product team needs to tidy-up and order! )

Network phase 2 needs to kick-off.

Aside of this a number of needs seemed to reach a consensus after the user interviews (this is not a priority order):

Speaking as a hub manager

  • I need to send alerts to my customers
  • I need to have an alert when max orders is reached in an OC
  • I need to manager stock info from producers
  • I need to adjust orders
  • I need to process refunds in bulk
  • I need to propose discounts and vouchers
  • I need to let my customer pay with credits
  • I need to have donation options at checkout

Hi everyone, I am very happy to read this post, it’s quite easy to see “from the outside” what the team as been up to this year. I can totally recommend a similar post for 2023 (if you dont have one already).
Congratulations on the progress on multiple initiatives! I am happy to see OIDC, DFC, API, reports all moving forward! :clap: :clap: :clap: Congrats to everyone involved! Keep going!


December 2nd 2022 update


Changes (status) in bold :slight_smile:

  • Split checkout: New re-design in progress. Apart from design still one critical bug left :muscle: More info here

  • Tax reports: No changes. First stage on our big reports project. Tax reports will be enhanced. Welcome deeper granularity, hasta la vista rounding errors! [Reports] Tax Totals Report · Issue #6847 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • Backoffice UI uplift: Work to change colors in backoffice has started to ease the release of this piece of work. Also styleguide is not a priority anymore on the tech side, we will do a simple style guide in a doc for now. First step towards Network 2.0 - our product list is getting a face lift. Also AngularJS will be removed from the product list. This will lay the ground for every shiny new experience network 2.0 is about.
    Context: Backoffice Product List table user interface uplift 1

  • Cut down testing suite length by 5 min on github Actions : Not only did @filipefurtado NAILED this one but lentgh was cut down by 10min which means 50% !!! QA team is checking all their goals :fire: :fire: :fire:. We use Github tools to run the automated tests we have (the suite). this takes 20min to run. Lowering this time should ease contributions and day to day work on the project :muscle:

  • DFC product API: No changes. Next steps (funded by DFC project + AU and UK) are around getting our product catalogue on the API and handling create/update/delete actions! This means we need OFN API product endpoints to be updated in v1 first!

Up next (**some changes but we will create new roadmap to detail them - so no changes here**)

What will happen next?

We still have some compliance work to do. In particular: History of invoices changes and numbering system: in the EU, invoices should carry the history of order changes and have a numbering system fitting requirements. On the bright side, we won’t have any more support requests starting with “I swear I haven’t deleted anything on the order…those eggs really disappeared!!”

Our reports project needs to go forward : especially improving packing reports, and reports used to pay producers (among many other things the product team needs to tidy-up and order! )

Network phase 2 needs to kick-off.

Aside of this a number of needs seemed to reach a consensus after the user interviews (this is not a priority order):

Speaking as a hub manager

  • I need to send alerts to my customers
  • I need to have an alert when max orders is reached in an OC
  • I need to manager stock info from producers
  • I need to adjust orders
  • I need to process refunds in bulk
  • I need to propose discounts and vouchers
  • I need to let my customer pay with credits
  • I need to have donation options at checkout

January 6th 2023 update: last update before switching to 2023 roadmap


Changes (status) in bold :slight_smile:

  • Split checkout: Order summary page is being redesign, all bugs are now solved: this will be ready for roll-out soon. We will update the following thread about it asap.

  • Tax reports: Work is kicked-off and first PRs are being worked on by @abdellani :tada:. First stage on our big reports project. Tax reports will be enhanced. Welcome deeper granularity, hasta la vista rounding errors! [Reports] Tax Totals Report · Issue #6847 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

  • Backoffice UI uplift: No changes. Work to change colors in backoffice has started to ease the release of this piece of work. Also styleguide is not a priority anymore on the tech side, we will do a simple style guide in a doc for now. First step towards Network 2.0 - our product list is getting a face lift. Also AngularJS will be removed from the product list. This will lay the ground for every shiny new experience network 2.0 is about.
    Context: Backoffice Product List table user interface uplift 1

  • DFC product API: No changes. Next steps (funded by DFC project + AU and UK) are around getting our product catalogue on the API and handling create/update/delete actions! This means we need OFN API product endpoints to be updated in v1 first!

Up next (**some changes but we will create new roadmap to detail them)

What will happen next?

  1. History of invoice changes / numbering system has a potential first solution that needs dev input: Trace order amendments through invoice lines and generate legally compliant invoices - #44 by Rachel

  2. Discounts & vounchers are now a funded feature: more info on this soon.

  3. Network phase 2 needs to kick-off.

  4. Big reports changes are for now paused, we will come back to them later in the year

Aside of this a number of needs seemed to reach a consensus after the user interviews (this is not a priority order):

Speaking as a hub manager

  • I need to send alerts to my customers
  • I need to have an alert when max orders is reached in an OC
  • I need to manager stock info from producers
  • I need to adjust orders
  • I need to process refunds in bulk
  • I need to let my customer pay with credits
  • I need to have donation options at checkout

Wow, it’s so cool to see so many things ticked off.

hello 2023! Software roadmap 2023

closing here