What is the need / problem
From a given report page, some users don’t manage to generate reports (get snail) because too much data (timeout)
Short video showing a concrete example of the accessibility issue: https://www.useloom.com/share/d7d6c0f263cb42a48e839743edba3551
Who does it impact
Shannon and Mary whenever they start to have much data (ex in France: 2 big hubs) and Manel (at least Myriam)
What is the current impact of this problem
Manel have issues doing support (when he needs to access reports)
Mary and Shannon have issues in their daily operation management and get pretty upset when the reports they need are not working. Also they don’t manage to get yearly data on their sales, they got the snail when they request info on such long periods.
What is the benefit in focusing on this
Mary and Shannon will have better tools to work properly.
Links to more details
Epic that we closed for now (not prioritized): https://github.com/openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork/issues/2099
Potential solutions that will solve this problem
We don’t know yet.
@maikel did a first spike on it in the epic.
We need to list cases, investigate with performance tracker tools, and organize a proper inception session on this.