What's New - v0.8 (150417)

This is a big release, but perhaps not that much to see for Customers . . something new and exciting coming up in 0.8.1 though

IMPORTANT TECH NOTE: admins will (probably) need to run a rake task to update E2E links within the system so that the existing behaviour is replicated within the newly modified Order Cycles interface. The task is called “openfoodnetwork:data:create_order_cycle_relationships”. It runs through all recently updated order cycles and automatically creates the relationships that would be required for the order cycle edit interface to render in the same way as it did before the recently introduced permissions changed were implemented. Note: when the task is run, the user is prompted to enter a figure representing the number of months back which should searched for order cycles, from which relationships and permissions will then be built.

For Customers

Next time people . .

For Enterprises


  • As an Enterprise User, you can no longer create a new kind of Property in the system. Available properties will be managed by the super-admin of your system. For Australian users, you can join the discussion of which properties should be available here. We have also cleaned this up a bit . . in preparation for the arrival of property filters in the next push.
  • Enterprises can now manage their properties from the Enterprise Management page (new tab)
  • The Order Cycle edit page now shows the full variant label - so you can see which variants you are adding (useful if they are the same quantity)
  • Full Order Cycles (for Hubs) have had a major rework to read off permissions. This has been done to enable Producers to manage their inclusion in Order Cycles that are coordinated by Hubs they’re working with. So Producers can now
    • see order cycles they are included in on their Order Cycles index page
    • remove themselves from the Order Cycle (for example, if they are going on holiday)
    • add / remove products and variants they are offering to the Order Cycle
    • NB. they cannot add their products to outgoing exchanges UNLESS the outgoing Hub has given them P-OC
    • For full explanation of who can do what in OC’s, see here
  • As the owner of a Hub, creating new Enterprises will automatically set up permissions (E2E links) so that they work within your Order Cycles. You can then adjust these permissions to increase or reduce their abilities as required. See outline of automatically created E2E links for a Hub user here.


  • Clean-up of the Order Cycle Index page, showing your list of order cycles, for quicker loading and easier reading:
    • now has a summarised ‘Supplier’ column so that if there are more than four it just tells you how many there are. This reduces the height each row in the table, making for easier viewing.
    • Order cycles which closed more than one month ago are no longer immediately displayed in Order Cycles. To view/hide older order cycles, click the “Show More/Less” button in the top right hand corner.
    • You can now delete order cycles which have not had any orders placed into them by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the order cycle listing.
  • Orders & Fulfillment - Customer Totals Report
    • Added SKU field
    • Fixed bug causing it to crash

For Groups

Fixes coming next push . .

For Super-Admin

  • The Order Cycle page no longer displays all order cycles. It only shows order cycles which have closed within the last 30 days. This will significantly reduce the load time of the page. Older order cycles can be seen by clicking the “Show More” button in the top right hand corner. There’s also a corresponding “Show Less” button.
  • You can now delete order cycles which have not had any orders placed into them by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the order cycle listing.

Next Up

  • full sales tax implementation
  • set and filter by product properties
  • fix the loading of the Groups hub page

Previous Release What’s New - v0.7.4 (150318):

What is the link to information about the rake command that needs running?

Sorry @pmackay , see updated text at the top of this post.