What’s New? - v.1.8.10

Released on: May 3rd 2017

Continuing the discussion from v1.8.9

For Customers


  • The ‘ready for’ field in Order Cycle setup is now a required field, which will improve shopfront display. G#1544, G#1344, G#1358. The field has been limited to 30 characters as well to improve display G#1294. There have also been tool tips added to these fields G#1356.
  • Shops with active OCs, but no valid shipping/payment methods no longer show as open shops in the shop listing, and their shopfront shows as closed (while still showing products, but disallowing checkout). G#1522 G#1343, G#1516, G#1347.

For Enterprises


  • An invoicing feature that is only turned on in France has been had some errors fixed. G#1511, G#1496, G#1509



  • Translations have been added for the ‘forgotten password’ email G#1506, G#1548.



  • In test environment the English local is always used now. G#1505
  • Update wkhtmltopdf-binary and wicked_pdf gems G#1513

What happened to changing (in the UK instance at least?) “on demand” and “to order” labels to “unlimited”? @lin_d_hop?

This is not a change dependant on a release @oliver. This is a translations change and something that you were doing, no? What happened after we explored how to do this?

I thought it was done, @lin_d_hop. Issue is closed on github. Should I have created a build? At the time I didn’t know about this and even now…well…I had a stab but…

All good @Oliver
If you make sure the en-GB.yml file is updated and a PR opened on Github I will merge it and deploy with the next release. Sound ok?