Using the OFN software for humanitarian support

Dear everyone, I started a draft based on an idea initially communicated at my first meeting at the global fundraiser (the last with Susan).
Context: One of the outcomes of Susan’s interaction with potential funders was “how was OFN contributing to the development of more deprived regions/countries?”, and indeed although we all agree with supporting those more in need, we did not have a straight answer to this.
The basis for the idea - how OFN can be used in different humanitarian scenarios -is:
[1] if the software can be used as it is, by humanitarian organizations all over the world, we should communicate it;
[2] if new features are needed, then instead of other orgs. (or their funders) paying for a software to be done from scratch, maybe they could finance the Global OFN team to provide these extra features.Please let me know what your general opinion is around this. Feel free to comment on the document and let me know if you have direct contact with national or international organizations providing aid. It would be very relevant to understand if there is anything else out there providing the same features.


I think a good starting point would be to understand who our “target audience” is here (ad hoc community orgs, small NGOs?), what they are doing already, and what their needs are.

I suggest that identifying a couple of example organizations (in scope and size) and finding someone from them to have a conversation with would be a good way to understand what potential there is for OFN to enter the space and add value (and get some funding).

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