Software roadmap 2024

May 6th update

Not all target for end of April are met yet, but KUDOS to @filipefurtado who drove all QA goals to DONE :partying_face: :pi帽ata:


Up next (no changes)

What will happen next?

We still have two leftovers from 2023: work on better invoices and tax report. Both have no dedicated funding and rely on core budget which is low atm. Hopefully we will be able to get them to the last mile in the next 6 months.

The next network milestone will be around Product tags: be able to tag product (add a label to triage them) or actually use our tagging feature and be one step further in our target to retire inventory.

Funded feature side, there should be some funding to continue work on vouchers and the new product modal.

More details on this soon!