This report is used to work out how many bulk items should be purchased, based on customer orders
It was developed prior to the more detailed work on products / variants / units etc, and so currently uses ‘weight’ as the dividing factor (e.g. unit size / (sum total * weight) = units required; with any leftover = remainder
so when the weight is zero (often), it just doesn’t work
Fix 1: Update the fields so that the report uses unit value rather than weight e.g. ‘1’ from 1 jar or 1L even if there is no weight set
Hearing that the coops / buying groups would prefer the ‘units required’ field to round up rather than down, and the ‘remainder’ field to tell them how much extra / unallocated / left they have. So this would mean that
Units Required = Unit size / (value * sum total) and IF there is a remainder then add 1 . . . [NB. it uses whichever total is greater for the calculation, so if the max > sum total then it will use max, otherwise sum total]
Remainder field gets renamed to ‘unallocated’ and contains (unit size - remainder)
For this Salmon product, three rows are showing, but this product is only 1 variant. It may have had 2 variants in the past- if I set timeframe of report to just this week, only 2 rows show. If I set it to far far back (when a 2nd variant may have existed), I get the 3rd row. Suggesting its a deleted variant.
Negative values are being displayed when there is no unit size (or it is zero).