I raised this here Using enterprise fees to 'privilege' products near source initally - more details:
I’m a hub manager and I use various enterprise fees including: transport fees (that I have to pay to a transport company after delivery to the hub), fundraising fee (that I have to keep track of so I can use it to subsidize food costs for certain customers in future OCs), administration fee (or my ‘mark-up’ that stays with my hub). In addition, the certified organic producers in my OC are doing a program in solidarity with the organic sector here where they collect a percentage to help fund organic sector advocacy activities. So, I need to isolate these fees too (lets call them ‘handling fee’ set by some producers). Plus, there are some taxable products in my OC - and the tax needs to be isolated so it can be remitted to the government. These aren’t fees - buyt they are amounts that I need to isolate.
So I need a report , that can be generated for any given OC or a given time period, that will show me the total for each different fee that the OC coordinator has added, as well as totals for each different fee that producers in the OC have added in, as well as a tax total for the OC.
Anyone else need something like this?
@sstead @Kirsten @lin_d_hop @NickWeir @MyriamBoure @CynthiaReynolds @enricostn ?