Okey dokey - @lisahill and malcolm - here’s my thoughts and questions on the lettuce share report
Have made some comments on the google sheet, also embedded below so you can easily see and edit.
Working through this, I found the need for examples so I exported the Products and Inventory report for your EXAMPLE Winter Order Cycle, and created a category mapping with your actual data. See attached - products_and_inventory_20150701-_Lettuceshare.xlsx (82.4 KB)
Seems like it’s pretty much all there, but key questions that arise
- ‘Quantity’ is a spare field for capturing info that you actually want back? It’s not an inventory level or anything? Is it actually needed in an export report?
- uncertain about ‘pack size’ and ‘unit’ . .
Malcolm’s comment - “I’d just like to add that “Pack Size” is used by lettuceshare to calculate quotas, so in the example given, “6 x 300g Jars” might have a pack size of 6, and units of “each”. 5kg might be the total, but doesn’t provide the same information. Not sure if that’s the sort of thing we need to work out, but happy to discuss.”
OFN will have a line for each different variant so might have a product that can be bought in boxes of 20kg, would have a ‘group buy unit quantity’ of 20kg (captured as 20000g)
Then it might have a number of variants e.g.
Apples - box (20kg)
Apples - 5kg
Apples - 1kg
some of which (the bulk ones) are offered in FC’s order cycle and others (sub-ones) in buying groups that are running their own.
In this report, the ‘variant value’ field draws info from a couple of other fields so that it fully describes the variant, summarising as 'box (20kg); 5kg and 1kg etc (see examples for how it’s handling all the different info)
Report generated could just have every available variant line (each inheriting group buy unit quantity from the product) and buying group can delete the lines for variant sizes they don’t want to offer (e.g. in example above they only want to offer 1kg) so they delete 5kg and 20kg. So potential custom report needs:
- fields to spit out in the order in sheet 2
- variant value to go in the description field? or you want more detailed info such as in actual OFN description? (not sure that it’s filled in for that many at the moment)
- unit field with stripped out ‘value’ so that we just have ‘1’ ‘kg’
- pack size = Group Buy Unit Quantity / Unit