I try to to install and deploy the OFN from ofn_deployment in France. (I’m working on this with Myriam @myriam )
Then I follow the informations on the github page.
The installation process looks ok. I can log in the OFN website on my new server. But when I try to create a new company, I get an HTTP ERR 500.
I jus get this log on log/test.log :
(0.2ms) BEGIN
Enterprise Load (0.4ms) SELECT permalink FROM “enterprises” WHERE (permalink LIKE ‘nollet%’) ORDER BY permalink
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT “spree_users”.* FROM “spree_users” WHERE “spree_users”.“id” = 1 LIMIT 1
Spree::User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM “spree_users” INNER JOIN “enterprise_roles” ON “spree_users”.“id” = “enterprise_roles”.“user_id” WHERE “enterprise_roles”.“enterprise_id” IS NULL AND “spree_users”.“id” = 1 LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT() FROM “spree_roles” INNER JOIN “spree_roles_users” ON “spree_roles”.“id” = “spree_roles_users”.“role_id” WHERE “spree_roles_users”.“user_id” = 1 AND “spree_roles”.“name” = 'admin’
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT “spree_countries”. FROM “spree_countries” WHERE “spree_countries”.“id” = 13 LIMIT 1
Spree::State Load (0.4ms) SELECT “spree_states”.* FROM “spree_states” WHERE “spree_states”.“id” = 150 LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT “spree_countries”.* FROM “spree_countries” WHERE “spree_countries”.“id” = 13 LIMIT 1
Spree::State Load (1.0ms) SELECT “spree_states”.* FROM “spree_states” WHERE “spree_states”.“country_id” = 13 ORDER BY name ASC
(0.4ms) SELECT COUNT() FROM “spree_states” WHERE “spree_states”.“country_id” = 13 AND (name = ‘VAL D OISE’ OR abbr = ‘VAL D OISE’)
Spree::State Load (0.4ms) SELECT “spree_states”. FROM “spree_states” WHERE “spree_states”.“country_id” = 13 AND (name = ‘VAL D OISE’ OR abbr = ‘VAL D OISE’) ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 1
(0.4ms) SELECT COUNT() FROM “enterprises” WHERE “enterprises”.“name” = 'NOLLET’
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT “spree_countries”. FROM “spree_countries” WHERE “spree_countries”.“id” = 13 LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT() FROM “spree_states” WHERE “spree_states”.“country_id” = 13 AND (name = ‘VAL D OISE’ OR abbr = ‘VAL D OISE’)
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT “spree_states”. FROM “spree_states” WHERE “spree_states”.“country_id” = 13 AND (name = ‘VAL D OISE’ OR abbr = ‘VAL D OISE’) ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 1
Enterprise Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM “enterprises” WHERE “enterprises”.“permalink” = ‘nollet’ LIMIT 1
Enterprise Load (0.5ms) SELECT “enterprises”.* FROM “enterprises” WHERE “enterprises”.“owner_id” = 1
(0.2ms) ROLLBACK
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 75.4ms
** [Bugsnag] No API key configured, couldn’t notify
Then, I don’t know where to search to identify the error.
Do you know who could have an idea on that, apart from Rohan who is in holidays @Kirsten ? @gnollet you used Ansible? Did you manage to deploy without the i10n_fr repository?
You also said you had a problem with the mail server, no?
Yes, I used Ansible. I run the playbook as explained.
On the playbook, I replace the part of the seeds file by the French seeds files.
On the mail config, I tried different config :
use the local mail server (postfix)
try to use sendgrid
When I try to generate a test email from admin backend, I can see the mail generated on the log file but I don’t receive any email.
Even if I test with postfix config which is local, I didn’t see any mail coming from website.
Regarding email issue, when I try to generate a test email, then I see the email is generated on the current/log/test.log file but the email is not sent. I tried to send to local postfix server or sendgrid server, it’s the same thing, nothing is sent
I’m new to Rails (and Ruby) and going through RailsTutorial. Occured to me this morning that I didn’t remember running bundle install. I was able to run it on the VirtualBox and it installed over 200 packages, many of which are Spree packages. So that may have something to do with the issue.
Have you set this up as a test environment (hence the test.log)? Do you plan to use staging or production later? Can you share your vars.yml file? (remove any sensitive password stuff, etc)
Other parameters are as default or contains sensitives informations (login/pass)
This is a test environement, then when this environement will be OK, we will create a new installation on other server to use it in production.
On the test.log, I find these lines :
Started GET “/admin/search/known_users?q=” for at 2015-09-08 08:45:31 +0000
Processing by Spree::Admin::SearchController#known_users as /
Deface: 10 overrides found for 'spree/layouts/admin’
Deface: ‘promo_admin_tabs’ matched 1 times with '[data-hook=‘admin_tabs’], #admin_tabs[data-hook]'
Deface: [ERROR] The original source for ‘promo_admin_tabs’ has changed, this override should be reviewed to ensure it’s still valid.
Deface: ‘user_admin_tabs’ matched 1 times with '[data-hook=‘admin_tabs’], #admin_tabs[data-hook]'
Deface: [ERROR] The original source for ‘user_admin_tabs’ has changed, this override should be reviewed to ensure it’s still valid.
Deface: ‘auth_admin_login_navigation_bar’ matched 1 times with '[data-hook=‘admin_login_navigation_bar’], #admin_login_navigation_bar[data-hook]'
Deface: [ERROR] The original source for ‘auth_admin_login_navigation_bar’ has changed, this override should be reviewed to ensure it’s still valid.
Deface: ‘set_auth_token_in_backend’ matched 1 times with '[data-hook=‘admin_inside_head’]'
Deface: [ERROR] The original source for ‘set_auth_token_in_backend’ has changed, this override should be reviewed to ensure it’s still valid.
Deface: ‘add_order_cycles_admin_tab’ matched 1 times with '[data-hook=‘admin_tabs’], #admin_tabs[data-hook]'
Deface: [WARNING] No :original defined for ‘add_order_cycles_admin_tab’, you should change its definition to include:
:original => '9045f73f615ba998bd83b39e7a0b1326a4851339’
Deface: ‘admin_inside_head’ matched 1 times with '[data-hook=“admin_inside_head”]'
Deface: [WARNING] No :original defined for ‘admin_inside_head’, you should change its definition to include:
:original => 'b4a64f8d073487295d9088d1f042d21de5c51d2d’
Deface: ‘add_trial_progress_bar’ matched 1 times with '[data-hook=‘admin_footer_scripts’]'
Deface: [WARNING] No :original defined for ‘add_trial_progress_bar’, you should change its definition to include:
:original => 'a417a94b2ad73876600ce71da17874dab70a7335’
Deface: ‘add_enterprises_admin_tab’ matched 1 times with '[data-hook=‘admin_tabs’], #admin_tabs[data-hook]'
Deface: [WARNING] No :original defined for ‘add_enterprises_admin_tab’, you should change its definition to include:
:original => '37217e2635f57eed3bd2394752d8559419c6b751’
Deface: ‘add_groups_admin_tab’ matched 1 times with '[data-hook=‘admin_tabs’], #admin_tabs[data-hook]'
Deface: [WARNING] No :original defined for ‘add_groups_admin_tab’, you should change its definition to include:
:original => '2313218a70e552648d74b04f9a190e863df0df7a’
Deface: ‘add_analytics’ matched 1 times with '[data-hook=‘admin_footer_scripts’]'
Deface: [WARNING] No :original defined for ‘add_analytics’, you should change its definition to include:
:original => '61a2973f09328af6f7fc38daabb57671b9c42b7e’
Spree::User Load (1.6ms) SELECT “spree_users”.* FROM “spree_users” LEFT OUTER JOIN “spree_addresses” ON “spree_addresses”.“id” = “spree_users”.“ship_address_id” LEFT OUTER JOIN “spree_addresses” "bill_addresses_spree_users"
ON “bill_addresses_spree_users”.“id” = “spree_users”.“bill_address_id” LIMIT 10
Rendered /home/openfood/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bundler/gems/spree-afcc23e489eb/core/app/views/spree/admin/search/users.rabl (4.8ms)
Completed 200 OK in 623.0ms (Views: 395.6ms | ActiveRecord: 10.0ms)
Started POST “/admin/enterprises” for at 2015-09-11 12:02:56 +0000
Maybe these information will help you to locate the issue ?
I try to create a new server with last version from github, I used i10n_fr where I create state.yml which I think this file was missing for France.
Ansible playbook was running successfull, I just copy seeds files from i10n directory to shared/config directory.
Frontend looks ok, then I log on backend and try to create an enterprise.
Then I get the same ERR 500 message.
The email function is not working also.
Then if you have an idea about these problems, you are welcome.
If it of any use, this is test.log on my install. Seems to be occurring on rollback?
$ tail -50 log/test.log
Rendered /home/vagrant/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bundler/gems/spree-afcc23e489eb/core/app/views/spree/admin/shared/_translations.html.erb (1.0ms)
Rendered /home/vagrant/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bundler/gems/spree-afcc23e489eb/core/app/views/spree/admin/shared/_routes.html.erb (0.7ms)
Rendered /home/vagrant/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bundler/gems/spree-afcc23e489eb/core/app/views/spree/admin/shared/_head.html.erb (3.2ms)
Rendered /home/vagrant/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bundler/gems/spree-afcc23e489eb/core/app/views/spree/admin/shared/_alert.html.erb (0.0ms)
Rendered spree/admin/shared/_tabs.html.erb (17.4ms)
Rendered spree/admin/shared/_trial_progress_bar.html.haml (0.1ms)
Rendered shared/_analytics.html.haml (0.1ms)
Completed 200 OK in 240.5ms (Views: 197.4ms | ActiveRecord: 8.3ms)
Started POST "/admin/enterprises" for at 2015-09-18 06:35:10 +0000
Processing by Admin::EnterprisesController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "enterprise"=>{"name"=>"", "owner_id"=>"", "is_primary_producer"=>"0", "sells"=>"none", "contact"=>"", "email"=>"mike@mzoo.org", "phone"=>"201-679-4168", "website"=>"", "address_attributes"=>{"address1"=>"123 S. Bloomfield Ave.", "address2"=>"", "city"=>"Montawk", "zipcode"=>"10009", "state_id"=>"39", "country_id"=>"49"}}, "button"=>""}
Spree::User Load (0.4ms) SELECT "spree_users".* FROM "spree_users" WHERE "spree_users"."id" = 1 LIMIT 1
(0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_roles" INNER JOIN "spree_roles_users" ON "spree_roles"."id" = "spree_roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "spree_roles_users"."user_id" = 1 AND "spree_roles"."name" = 'admin'
Enterprise Load (0.5ms) SELECT "enterprises".* FROM "enterprises" INNER JOIN "enterprise_roles" ON "enterprises"."id" = "enterprise_roles"."enterprise_id" WHERE "enterprise_roles"."user_id" = 1
EnterpriseGroup Load (0.4ms) SELECT "enterprise_groups".* FROM "enterprise_groups" WHERE "enterprise_groups"."owner_id" = 1
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_roles" INNER JOIN "spree_roles_users" ON "spree_roles"."id" = "spree_roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "spree_roles_users"."user_id" = 1 AND "spree_roles"."name" = 'admin'
(0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "order_cycles"
Spree::Country Load (0.3ms) SELECT "spree_countries".* FROM "spree_countries" WHERE "spree_countries"."id" = 49 LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_roles" INNER JOIN "spree_roles_users" ON "spree_roles"."id" = "spree_roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "spree_roles_users"."user_id" = 1 AND "spree_roles"."name" = 'admin'
OrderCycle Load (0.3ms) SELECT "order_cycles".* FROM "order_cycles" WHERE (order_cycles.orders_open_at <= '2015-09-18 06:35:10.695636' AND order_cycles.orders_close_at >= '2015-09-18 06:35:10.695640')
(1.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "enterprises" INNER JOIN "distributors_shipping_methods" ON "distributors_shipping_methods"."distributor_id" = "enterprises"."id" INNER JOIN "spree_shipping_methods" ON "spree_shipping_methods"."id" = "distributors_shipping_methods"."shipping_method_id" INNER JOIN "distributors_payment_methods" ON "distributors_payment_methods"."distributor_id" = "enterprises"."id" INNER JOIN "spree_payment_methods" ON "spree_payment_methods"."id" = "distributors_payment_methods"."payment_method_id" WHERE "spree_payment_methods"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "spree_payment_methods"."active" = 't' AND (spree_payment_methods.display_on='both' OR spree_payment_methods.display_on='' OR spree_payment_methods.display_on IS NULL) AND (spree_payment_methods.environment='test' OR spree_payment_methods.environment='' OR spree_payment_methods.environment IS NULL)
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "enterprises" INNER JOIN "distributors_shipping_methods" ON "distributors_shipping_methods"."distributor_id" = "enterprises"."id" INNER JOIN "spree_shipping_methods" ON "spree_shipping_methods"."id" = "distributors_shipping_methods"."shipping_method_id" INNER JOIN "distributors_payment_methods" ON "distributors_payment_methods"."distributor_id" = "enterprises"."id" INNER JOIN "spree_payment_methods" ON "spree_payment_methods"."id" = "distributors_payment_methods"."payment_method_id" WHERE "spree_payment_methods"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "spree_payment_methods"."active" = 't' AND (spree_payment_methods.display_on='both' OR spree_payment_methods.display_on='' OR spree_payment_methods.display_on IS NULL) AND (spree_payment_methods.environment='test' OR spree_payment_methods.environment='' OR spree_payment_methods.environment IS NULL)
(0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "enterprises" WHERE (id IN (NULL)) AND (id NOT IN (NULL) OR 0=0)
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_roles" INNER JOIN "spree_roles_users" ON "spree_roles"."id" = "spree_roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "spree_roles_users"."user_id" = 1 AND "spree_roles"."name" = 'admin'
Spree::PaymentMethod Load (0.2ms) SELECT "spree_payment_methods".* FROM "spree_payment_methods" WHERE "spree_payment_methods"."deleted_at" IS NULL
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_roles" INNER JOIN "spree_roles_users" ON "spree_roles"."id" = "spree_roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "spree_roles_users"."user_id" = 1 AND "spree_roles"."name" = 'admin'
Spree::ShippingMethod Load (0.3ms) SELECT "spree_shipping_methods".* FROM "spree_shipping_methods" WHERE "spree_shipping_methods"."deleted_at" IS NULL
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_roles" INNER JOIN "spree_roles_users" ON "spree_roles"."id" = "spree_roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "spree_roles_users"."user_id" = 1 AND "spree_roles"."name" = 'admin'
EnterpriseFee Load (0.4ms) SELECT "enterprise_fees".* FROM "enterprise_fees" WHERE "enterprise_fees"."enterprise_id" IS NULL ORDER BY fee_type, name
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_roles" INNER JOIN "spree_roles_users" ON "spree_roles"."id" = "spree_roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "spree_roles_users"."user_id" = 1 AND "spree_roles"."name" = 'admin'
EnterpriseGroup Load (0.4ms) SELECT "enterprise_groups".* FROM "enterprise_groups"
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_roles" INNER JOIN "spree_roles_users" ON "spree_roles"."id" = "spree_roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "spree_roles_users"."user_id" = 1 AND "spree_roles"."name" = 'admin'
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_roles" INNER JOIN "spree_roles_users" ON "spree_roles"."id" = "spree_roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "spree_roles_users"."user_id" = 1 AND "spree_roles"."name" = 'admin'
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_roles" INNER JOIN "spree_roles_users" ON "spree_roles"."id" = "spree_roles_users"."role_id" WHERE "spree_roles_users"."user_id" = 1 AND "spree_roles"."name" = 'admin'
(0.1ms) BEGIN
Enterprise Load (0.4ms) SELECT permalink FROM "enterprises" WHERE (permalink LIKE 'my-enterprise%') ORDER BY permalink
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT "spree_countries".* FROM "spree_countries" WHERE "spree_countries"."id" = 49 LIMIT 1
Spree::State Load (0.3ms) SELECT "spree_states".* FROM "spree_states" WHERE "spree_states"."id" = 39 LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT "spree_countries".* FROM "spree_countries" WHERE "spree_countries"."id" = 49 LIMIT 1
Spree::State Load (0.4ms) SELECT "spree_states".* FROM "spree_states" WHERE "spree_states"."country_id" = 49 ORDER BY name ASC
(0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_states" WHERE "spree_states"."country_id" = 49 AND (name = 'Alabama' OR abbr = 'Alabama')
Spree::State Load (0.3ms) SELECT "spree_states".* FROM "spree_states" WHERE "spree_states"."country_id" = 49 AND (name = 'Alabama' OR abbr = 'Alabama') ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 1
(0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "enterprises" WHERE "enterprises"."name" = ''
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT "spree_countries".* FROM "spree_countries" WHERE "spree_countries"."id" = 49 LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "spree_states" WHERE "spree_states"."country_id" = 49 AND (name = 'Alabama' OR abbr = 'Alabama')
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT "spree_states".* FROM "spree_states" WHERE "spree_states"."country_id" = 49 AND (name = 'Alabama' OR abbr = 'Alabama') ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 1
Enterprise Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "enterprises" WHERE "enterprises"."permalink" = 'my-enterprise' LIMIT 1
(0.1ms) ROLLBACK
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 69.5ms
** [Bugsnag] No API key configured, couldn't notify