Deployment and upgrades - progress and challenges

Hi. I too am excited by this message. Over here in the states, as far as deployment, I got stuck at Need help to fix ERR 500, using the Vagrant (ofn_deployment) install. There also seemed to be issues with seeding the suburbs, which for USA is a very large file, but from what I read this may not matter much at the moment. It’s likely that my error is due to some obvious step that an experienced Rails developer would have done like a rake db:migrate or something.

Have been focusing my energies on getting up to speed on Ruby and Rails and am looking forward to chatting with Anselm at some point soon, and potentially connecting with some of the other interested parties in the USA that Myriam mentioned.

It would be very nice to get a working development deployment as well as staging if not production up as soon as possible as our current php system has never been terribly efficient or even reliable. : )