One Food Hub reported back that currently they manually either update a spreadsheet with credits, or make cash refunds or make tiny bank transfers. They report that this process takes ~2 hours a week.
These are exactly the kinds of tasks that make users want to walk away from OFN. I would make a strong case for this feature being part of: Goal 3 - Enterprise admin UX pain points that suck our users’ will to continue.
This wishlist item has gone through voting and is now ready for inception phase. This means it needs a product owner to run the inception with all interested stakeholders, and preferably a Tech lead that will be main responsble for the chosen feature implementation.
When we will be ready to do inception again, I believe we will need to coordinate our effort among the product team and split the work to be done accordingly + organize peer review.
A note for when we come to incept this.
I’d love if we can take an API First approach here.
In particular I’d love it if New Payments can be made via an API call so that we can integrate with accounting systems to register payments within OFN.
Another note - I suspect we’ll want to decouple Orders and Payments.
hey @lin_d_hop - would you be happy with this coming out of the ‘inception’ category? I would put it back to wishlist / curation for review if when there was a chunk someone was advocating for doing (outside the set of papercuts to make existing workaround easier?)