Delivery cicle meeting notes December 7th

Current release

Due to the S2-regression: the plan is to revert the first PR instead of proceeding with a second one. @maikel seems to have already done this for the Australian instance.
The strategy to tackle the initial bug could be to address it through the views of the page instead of touching the controller.

Anyone blocked?

  • @achauve started off the Stripe testing but as the active storage issues emerged and to address them here. Currently getting to know the code base :+1:
    Brief discussion on how to address deployments as moving away from paperclip may cause issues. This is especially relevant for non-core instances.

  • @apricot12 was working on the variants PR: the service changed is used in quite a lot of places in the app - it’s really complicated and critical part of the code :scream_cat:

  • Filipe blocked on this system spec.

Board overview

#8490 was downgraded to S3.

Code review

Funded feature DFC PR #7880 is in code review :+1:

OIDC / funded feature

As mentioned above: now on code review :+1:


Meeting time:
8:30 CET was proposed but seems Maikel can’t join so the proposal will be to start at 9:00 CET, i.e. we push it by 30 min later.

Proposal to add 15 min extra if necessary.

Update on Delivery Team gathering in South Portugal

Mostly spending time together!! :tada: :sun_with_face:

But… also having discussions around:

  • API endpoints proposal: before actually creating the endpoints we should debate around them to make sure the use cases are correctly scoped.
  • Setting a precedent process for coming up with API endpoints
  • Discussion on how to display fees, taxes, per enterprise: spent a lot of time around this but not come to any conclusion so far
  • On API authentication: we should keep both authentication methods
  • Discussion on vouchers and discounts. Notes on this soon to come.
  • We’ve gone through a papercut session as well

Notes on Discourse will come up soon on other topics and decision proposals.

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