Ansible deploy on debian / docker

Thx @NorthernColorado for the hint!
Running the playbooks inside a docker ubuntu container did (finally) work =>

this has also been very helpful:

here the changes I made

Changing RAILS_ENV and re-running only the deploy playbook did not work because the monit conf.d file (for delayed job workers) and the unicorn init script both contain rails_env but are part of the provision playbook. Hence the delayed job workers, unicorn and the configured mail method had different rails environments.

setting rails_env manually and starting delayed job workers manually did work, but monit is still not working

$ monit start
/etc/monit/monitrc:290: Include failed – Success '/etc/monit/conf-enabled/*'
any ideas?

Also I had to manually start nginx, memcached, postgresql and unicorn. Is this because of docker?

What is the normal way to start everything after playbooks ran?

What is the intended purpose of vars.yml?