Hi all
I’ve got a couple of use cases related to product import that are making me wonder about the feasibility of ‘zapping’ into ofn. Has anyone thought about / tried this at all? For example having a google sheet and when the price is updated against a particular sku then that sends message to ofn to update price? Even as I’m typing this I can imagine plenty of potential problems so I’m guessing it’s not an awesome approach . . but just interested in people’s thoughts … @lin_d_hop @maikel @MSFutureFarm @luisramos0 @sauloperez @kristinalim
you can have a google sheet function that calls the ofn api, yes, that’s relatively easy to do:
or for example, you can have a download button in the orders page that gets you a spreadsheet that will call the api to “save” the updates you do on the spreadsheet.
But it’s better to invest in improving the orders page than doing this, right?
it’s actually more about the product uploader than the orders page @luisramos0 - if what you’re saying about the google function is correct then a whole lot of repeated use of the uploader may be avoidable?! As in, use it to set up the products. But then just set price updates to happen automatically if you change them in the google sheet . . woooaahhhhh . . @Rachel @tschumilas @maikel . .
OMG - you are killing me here @Kirsten! sounds amazing. Tell me why repeated use of the uploader is a problem (I’m asking naively - i haven’t used it much. (Can you imagine the reaction from the dev team that spent forever on the uploader if we say we are going to use google instead - ha ha
I dont think this is the way to go at our scale. A simple spreadsheet upload as we have plus a workable api for more complex cases sounds a lot better than using spreadsheet scripts that will invariably cause maintenance trouble… basically, it’s possible to do it but it’s difficult to maintain.
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RE the original thought of ‘zapping into OFN’:
I would strongly advise against giving Zapier write access to the OFN DB. It is too easy to potentially create corrupted data. Instead let’s be specific with use cases and we can look at prioritisation of API endpoints to handle the updates.
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