What's New - v0.7.2 (150112)

Yippee - this one has some shiny new things for Enterprise users - picking up a bunch of things you’ve been asking for - changes to how the shopfront works, and (frequently) requested Hub features, such as ability to set some of your own alert messages and the order in which your product categories appear, and you can now quickly and easily set up your own ‘payment gateway’ to take credit cards using Pin Payments.

So starting the new year with some shiny new things. Yay!

For Customers


  • Consistency of how prices are displayed throughout the site e.g. prices on the shopfront page include the fees that are calculated per product, then this produce price is carried through consistently. Any fees that are calculated on a ‘per order’ basis (e.g. add $10 per order) are added in the Cart, and shown in the combined category Admin & Handling
  • Styled order confirmation emails with all the information you need (so beautiful!)
  • Product Category filters are now open by default, so it’s more obvious that they’re there


  • We caught some weird and rare but annoying bugs that were causing occasional users to crash on checkout

For Enterprises


  • New design of the Enterprise management system for easier editing, updating and set-up
  • NEW Shop Preferences: ability to set the order that product categories appear on the Shopfront. NB. If you set no order, the products will now appear A-Z.
  • NEW Shop Preferences: Enterprise can set custom messages to:
    – appear at top of shopfront with particular instructions or alert
    – appear when your shop is closed, with information about when your Order Cycle runs or how to get in touch with you
  • NB. These features can be combined to help make sure Customers buy your required item e.g. if a Customer must have a mixed box in their order (and then add extras), you can set an Alert that will appear at the top of the shop telling them this, and set the Boxes category to appear at the top of the page.


  • Option for Pin Payments - you can create a payment method, select Pin Payments, put in your API key and voila - credit card payments are yours. The Pin Payments set-up process itself is also extremely simple, and we are talking to them about a possible fee reduction for Open Food Network users . . stay tuned :slight_smile:
  • NB. When we first set-up paypal people had lots of problems, and this could happen again. If you are going to use it, perhaps email me at hello@openfoodnetwork.org so we know and are ready to leap onto any problems quickly.

Invisible but Important

Super Admin (that’s us)

There is quite a lot going on with Variant Overrides which will introduce a lot more flexibility in network behaviour. If you are a Super-Admin user in your system, you will be able to see a new Tab on the Products page called Overrides. Please DON’T do anything with it yet :slight_smile: