Thanks a lot for this amazing work and very nice videos !
In france we do not have voucher need except for « deposit management ».
« Deposit management » is a need often mentioned by producers that I’ll try to explain bellow.
When a customer buys a product, this product is sometimes packaged in a reusable container which is returnable. The classic scénario is :
The customer buys a product with a container > consumes this product > returns the container to the seller > recovers the sum of the value of the container (the container is then reused by the seller and re-marketed against deposit)
Today we use this hack to meet the need Facilitate management of returnable packaging · Issue #307 · openfoodfoundation/wishlist · GitHub
We do see in this voucher feature a potential easiest way ton manage « Deposit ». But these specifications makes the use of the deposit difficult or even impossible from our comprehension today.
A “simple” alternative to meet our need in FR would be for the producer to create a voucher reusable by any client. Thus, our producers could easily manage the return of the deposits. And if, unfortunately, the code is misused, the producer will only have to delete this voucher.
Question / Thought : Is it possible that from V1 a voucher can be used several times and by the same person, without being associated with a particular product / order?