UX Enterprise fees and price breakdown

I am a bit confused by the way enterprise fees are defined and displayed today within OFN.

Today, we associate an entreprise fee to a domain, and 5 domains are available:

  • admin
  • sales
  • transport
  • packing
  • fundraising

Can someone explains me what “fundraising” means exactly operationaly? In which case a hub will charge a fee for fundraising? I guess if a hub charge fees, it’s to finance the work done, like organisation of the sale, etc. But what type of “work” is behind the “fundraising” fee? This is not clear to me.
We were using it in our hub to charge the 2% fee that we were collecting to give back to the OFN non-profit in Norway, but it was still not very clear…

Also for the buyer it’s not clear, when you only have “admin” or “sales” or “fundraising” in the pric breakdown, and I was wondering if it couldn’t be clearer to display the “name of the fee” and not the “type of fee”.
For example, in the case of our hub, when we were charging 2% to give back to the OFN non-profit in Norway, the buyer could only see “fundraising”… which is not very explicit.
If we could have displayed “Use of platform 2%”, that would be more transparent to the buyer…
I’m not sure what would be the best way to display it, as the info needs also to be condensed, but I have the impression it’s not so clear.

Also the “type of fee” is not cutomizable by the instance today.

@lin_d_hop is it a specific UX overhaul discussion to have on this then? Do other people share this discomfort with the way enterprise fees are displayed? What would you suggest?

@sreeharsha @CynthiaReynolds @NickWeir @sstead @danielle @Kirsten @fj.arnuga @tschumilas @devincent and others

Ping @denise


For our local food system, we use the fees differently, we dedicated 2% as an admin fee to pay for the OFN platform, and set 2% as a fundraising fee to show how much goes to our local fund for sustainable community projects.

We decided to change the way that we had our fees set up in our last 2 cycles to see how we could do things better. Still not sure what is optimal, based on how fees are calculated.
If we put it up front, the percentage is calculated based on the product cost. 2% there will not cover the entire billed fee from the platform, if I understand correctly. In order for that to happen, it needs to be included in the payment fee. So this cycle, we have set our payment gateways as 2% plus the cost of the gateway) such that is is calculated on the entire bill, including other fees, and it is clearly indicated to our customer where the costs go in the box next to their payment selection.
I would love to hear how others are doing it.

As for how they are displayed, admin/sales/transport… I like that they are consolidated into one. As we apply different percentages on for example: local (25km on our peninsula), regional products and imported goods. Each has a separate admin fee% such that we keep our ‘ultra-local’ as cheap as possible. If we showed a breakdown of each, it would soon become too much information.

@CynthiaReynolds @sstead - I just re-found this post from Cynthia because I remembered reading that you had discovered some way of charging different fees based on how far away a product comes from - ie: to ‘privilege’ very local products. I’m working with a hub in Northern Ontario (a very large hub and an opinion leader here - would be really good if they decided to migrate to OFN). They want to make purchasing products that come from very close to a given hub a less expensive choice than a product that comes from further away. Originally we wondered about calculating a delivery fee based on distance shipped (and OFN doesn’t do this right now). But from this post it seems like you accomplish the same thing in a different way. BUT - I’m not getting it - can you take another stab @CynthiaReynolds at describing this - or email me independently?

@tschumilas We have set up a series of enterprise fees, including fees set at :

  • local (x%)
  • regional (y%)
  • national ( z%)
  • import (a%)
    (all flat percentages)

this enables us to assign a different fee based on where the producers are in reference to our community. We assign each one in the order cycle to the various producers. It enables our ultra-local (we live on a peninsula) to have a strategic advantage over our regional, national and imported goods, we are very focused on ‘local’. Whilst we would love to only offer local items, growing coffee, chocolate, bananas and olive oil is not an option here :wink:
Hope this helps, good luck!

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Just leaving a +1 for displying the name instead of the type.

Migrated to https://github.com/openfoodfoundation/wishlist/issues/126