Software roadmap 2024

November 7th update

We are still only working on funded projects


  • Product Model refactor: **This is now done, kudos to @Gaetan ** :tada:

  • Ubuntu update : This is being worked on, latest update here

  • DFC API Orders: The first release has been done! Congrats to @maikel The project might go a little further as pilots are happening in the UK

  • Voucher upgrade : The first release is almost done, more info here: Introducing VINE (Voucher Integration Engine)

  • Flower farms: Product preview has been released and the payout report is almost done. Future work is being estimated before selection. Milestone here: Flower farms Milestone ยท GitHub

Finishing Tax report, increasing automated tests, invoice project and proposing a product modal canโ€™t be done in absence of core funding. These projects are postponed / if possible proposed as issues to be picked-up by the community

Up next (no changes)

What will happen next?

The next network milestone will be around Product tags: be able to tag product (add a label to triage them) or actually use our tagging feature and be one step further in our target to retire inventory.

More details on this soon and on the next steps for the Flower Farms project.

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