I’m new to this community. Seems you have your own community platform so maybe your not using slack anymore, but just wanted to say that the link is broken.
I’m new to this community. Seems you have your own community platform so maybe your not using slack anymore, but just wanted to say that the link is broken.
Hey Michael and welcome!
Try this https://join.slack.com/t/openfoodnetwork/shared_invite/zt-9sjkjdlu-r02kUMP1zbrTgUhZhYPF~A
I updated it on GitHub and we will update on openfoodnetwork.org as well.
Would be nice to get your feedback if that link is working
Great, thanks for the fast response.
The link works. I signed up with my personal email. This email is for a project I am starting up, which I would like to share soon. It’s a eco-map app for smartphones.
Anyway, thanks and take care