Server Specifications

I documented a few server configurations in the deployment wiki:

Feel free to add/update your specifications here. It’s also a good place to discuss the requirements and how we can keep them low.

Our staging server has 2GB RAM but currently no swap space (your staging has 4GB). Would you suggest its important to add some swap to our config?

I assume you have more RAM and less swap on production for speed…

Yes, adding swap space should solve your problem on staging. On a production server I would give more RAM. We should not need 8GB, but somehow the memory usage creeps up over time. I hope we will solve that soon. @RohanM worked on that.

@maikel could you please note here or even better update the wiki page with what OS the server(s) are using? I think its good to know what options have been used.

The ofn_deployment notes mention Ubuntu PrecisePangolin but I’m wondering if new installs could use TrustyTahr? And current machines be updated?

We still use Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin and updated the wiki page. If someone tried another version, please post.