Just briefly, the issue we have with reports is that they can use a large amount of memory, which results in each web worker process (Ruby/Puma) allocating a large amount and holding onto it for a large time. Because we have multiple worker processes, this can compound the amount of allocated memory and cause the server to run out of memory.
We have started on a fix for this, this but hit a blocker.
So how should we proceed…?
The current attempted solution is to “fork” a process from the Puma process to execute the report. But we have a problem:
We can’t test with system specs. We need to cover it somehow with automated tests.
Can we fix it? Unknown, haven’t found an answer with initial investigation.
(just a guess: maybe a bug in Cuprite causes a callback on forking that crashes Chromium)
So we have gone back to ask what’s the ideal solution? Lets look at pros/cons:
DB query timeouts
quick and easy to implement
DB query time is relatively quick, and doesn’t correalte to report runtime
It simply doesn’t help.
Quick to start up and respond quicker
Able to provide report response direclty if quick to run, or email later
Memory cleaned up every time
Relatively quick to implement… except there are some challenges…
Unable to run system specs
We can’t limit number of concurrent jobs, which could compound RAM usage.
Needs to allocate memory for every report (inefficient)
Forking is not commonly done in Rails, so there could be other challenges we haven’t found yet
options for concurrency limiting (process, threads, queues, capsules)
Able to provide report response direclty if quick to run, or email later
We can place more specific memory limits on the report process
Need to implement app-specific timeout. but it should be straightforward to implement (build into reports framework)
What we now know is that there is a big hurdle in the forking solution that we couldn’t have anticipated.
Sidekiq should provide a more definitive solution, and has more options.
So we will switch efforts to implementing reports to run in a Sidekiq process. This will look the same to the user (fast reports can be downloaded immediately like usual, and slower ones will be sent by email).