Reports - Inventory

Currently none of the product related reports appear to include an SKU column. We were hoping to utilise product codes to join our many different systems together, but without a report that shows those codes, there’s no reason to enter them all. Am i missing something, and if not, then here’s my wishlist for the inclusion of SKU’s in either the Inventory (On Hand) or the All Products reports. Will think more about which one is better soon.

probably just as easy to put them in both. Have made into github issue (G#672). Let us know urgency on completion of this.

Soonish but shouldn’t hold us up. There is an SKU column in the customer totals report, which means we can theoretically connect products sold between Xero & OFN. The inventory repots will be for connecting back to the spreadsheet which holds all our master incoming and outgoing data, as well as master inventory… The sales stuff is most important, looking forward to next level Xero reports also :smile: