Remove Sell page

What is the need / problem ?

All OFN instances have different business models and different needs how to communicate their pricing. The generic Sell page is not that helpful. It is outdated and keeping it up-to-date is a challenge for each instance. I also guess that it is rarely visited because there is only one little link in the footer pointing to it.

Who does it impact ?

All instances.

What is the current impact of the problem ?

We all have to maintain the text of the page so that it’s not in conflict with our pricing model.

What is the benefit of focusing on this ?

It will avoid maintenance work. It also allows us to streamline our communication around pricing and direct people to our own websites instead.

Potential solutions that will solve the problem ?

[brainstorming to list feature candidates]

  • Remove the page and the link to it.

Selection of a feature candidate

[value x ease matric if needed]

T-shirt size of our selected feature candidate


Metrics to measure if need is satisfied after feature is implemented

There is no link to the page and it is gone.

Feature owners

So FYI, in France we are currently trying a more visible use of this page.

We have actually located it in our main header as “OPEN MY SHOP”

The translation is bad, but the idea was to have a call to action that said “create my own shop” in the main header. Otherwise currently we only have the small register banner.

A nicer solution should be found for the home page, but while waiting for it we decided to run that little experiment with the sell page.

of course it has lots of downsides, like not being translated for example:

So please let’s not remove it yet unless people have other suggestions / idas on how to make registration & features more visible for hubs & producers from the homepage (and not have to switch to the wordpress).

I’m not moving this one to github yet as it is used. But we can always open a dedicated wishlist item for this in the future.