Proposal for Delivery Train and Product Curation Meetings

With daylight savings coming in and out of force around the world our meeting times need to change. In previous years we’ve simply flipped the AMs and PMs about but this year our team has grown and we need to include more timezones. Realistically it will no longer be possible to find a timezone that fits everyone.

The next best approach is to have two meetings that alternate in times in such a way that everyone can attend at least one of them.

Increasing the number of meetings like this makes it seem tricky to keep having both a Product Curation meeting and a Delivery Train meeting. So I propose that we change these meetings to be ‘Horizon 1’ meetings.

Horizon One Meeting

To cover both of the previous meetings in one the agenda will need to look something like:

  1. Look at the board and issues in play as we do in delivery train to check in on Test, Code Review, In Dev and all the current prioritised bugs.
  2. Go through all the Epics/Features in play for an update on where we are at
  3. Go through the upcoming priorities this horizon to hear an update on what’s in inception and design processes enroute to dev ready.

As we won’t all be at every meeting it is likely that we won’t always have someone to update on everything live. Could we manage our notes in a similar way that we do for Product Curation? Could we manage our notes with a discourse wiki page and standard format that we all fill in to ensure that everyone can keep up with the overview of our work?

In the above format this meeting will exclude the work that is currently not yet in inception or delivery. We will need to have another meeting to ensure that the work that is being prepared and prioritised to come into the pipe. Perhaps something like a Roadmap meeting…

Roadmap Meeting

Currently we don’t handle the process of planning ahead of Horizon One very well. I believe there are others in the product-circle working on processes for prioritisation so I only mention this here because not mentioning a meeting to plan beyond Horizon One would be a mistake :slight_smile: Just to note that this meeting doesn’t need to be as regular as the above… perhaps monthly. Essentially this would be a place to present, organise and agree on the different priorities that have emerged from:

  • Instance manager/Community needs
  • Support team case loads
  • Dev priorities
  • Design priorities
  • Analytics

Next Steps

As this is quite pressing, and hopefully not too controversial, I’d like to propose that we press on finding two suitable timeslots for our Horizon One meetings so that these can start from April.

I have created a LettuceMeet for 24hrs Mon to Fri. It would be really helpful if everyone in delivery could add a rough guide to when they can meet. Ignore the dates… treat it as a generic week. Try to be flexible but realistic.

From this I will try to find two times that everyone can attend… wish me luck!

Please go here to fill in the LettuceMeet form.

Ping everyone who normally comes along to Delivery Train and Product Curation:
@Erioldoesdesign @Jana @Rachel @Kirsten @filipefurtado @sauloperez @Matt-Yorkley @maikel @apb @jibees

:woman_facepalming: this was meant to be a short post. Sorry!!


Where does the name Horizon One come from? I searched online but the only thing coming up is an Australian recruitment company with the same name.

Feel free to suggest anything else.

Horizon is a term ive heard used a lot in product chat, originally from @danielle, as a way to prioritise upcoming work.


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Hi everyone,

I’ve spent a bit of time considering various variations on the LettuceMeet from those that responded (thank you!).

The best time pairing that seems to maximise possible attendees while also ensuring that everyone can attend at least one meeting is:

Meeting A @ This Time Tuesday
PDT 0000 - EDT 0300 - UTC 0700 - BST 0800 - CEST 0900 - AEST 1700

Meeting B @ This Time Thursday/Friday(AU)
PDT 1100 - EDT 1400 - UTC 1800 - BST 1900 - CEST 2000 - AEST 0400

There are very few people that can make both meetings so it will also take some good async processes to match. We can also discuss if we alternate week on week or have two meetings a week going forward.

We can discuss tonight in delivery train :slight_smile:


Thanks so much for figuring that out @lin_d_hop :sparkles: :pray:
I assume you know timezones by heart now.

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Another update…

In delivery train meeting we realised that there might be a better to have both meetings on a Tuesday meaning:

Meeting A @ This Time Tuesday
PDT 0000 - EDT 0300 - UTC 0700 - BST 0800 - CEST 0900 - AEST 1700

Meeting B @ This Time Tuesday
PDT 1100 - EDT 1400 - UTC 1800 - BST 1900 - CEST 2000 - AEST 0400

We will have one meeting every week and alternate the time between weeks.

We will merge delivery train and product curation so we need to consider the agenda again.

We will also have a meeting for curating the roadmap for things that haven’t yet entered the pipe (eg inception has not started). We will try to have this monthly meeting at the best possible time for everyone.

More updates to come :slight_smile:

For UTC 1800 we can keep using FR’s zoom acount, but for UTC 0700 I’m afraid there is a high risk of having someone in FR team double booking the meeting room.

@dthomas any chance we could borrow OFN CA’s zoom account every 2 weeks on Tuesdays at UTC 0700?

As this is now in play, I’m closing this topic!