1- Results of dot voting
We had some issue at this quarter because things didn’t really move forward so quickly in Q2 so we have lots of remaining things still not done.
Also we have opened big boxes like network and delivery note in Q2 that we need to move forward now and will take time and dedication.
Let’s see what people voted on mostly then what we propose to do with that:
Be a single cohesive OFN unit
No new prirorities as things are on their way
Build the network for the OFN
- Stock and shipping/payment method permissions have been mostly prioritized.
- Network feature is a whole bunch, inception has been done in Q2 and first prototype and implementations should start in Q3. We need to start first steps about data model on product chain before we can enter more into details about stock, but we might do some more inception in Barcelona on it if needed.
- Shipping/payment permission: this will most likely be covered soon as needed by Spree upgrade (see discussion)
Future proof the tech platform
- The main priority here remains for everyone “upgrade dependencies” = Spree upgrade, which rolls over to Q3 due to not enough devs working on it so far…
- Also, deletions were prioritized again this quarter (GDPR). With all the big chunks already open, we suggest we don’t open that big box now and need smaller chunks to be able to feed our users with releases while working on the big network and delivery note / invoicing bit chunks. So deletion will be the next big box to open, but probably Q4.
- Implementing Piwik had a lot of votes as well, but not something that will really feed our users with features that answer their needs (not short term) so we propose to keep it for later.
Make what we have great
- POS and enabling hubs to withdraw customer from private shops were the ones which had the bigger votes. Customer withdrawal implies working on deletion, and we don’t have the capacity to open that big box now so we would keep that hopefully for Q4. POS same is another really big chunk and Rob warned us that his solution might not be the answer to the need, even he dropped it for his hub and choose to integrate with Odoo. So again, we know this is a priority for the community but don’t have the capacity for so many big boxes in parallel.
- Making invoicing smooth and easy with bulk invoice printing got votes, as well as some UX chunks on onboarding and checkout, and shopping UX more generally got quite a lot of votes. Minimum spent per order as wel, and US weigh and measure.
- What we tried to do here was find smaller things we could start and release quickly to feed our users while spree upgrade, network and delivery note (enabling accurate invoicing) are being done.
2- Curation team’ outputs: the priorities for quarter X
Be a single cohesive OFN unit
Some of the things started in Q1 where not finished yet, so we re-prioritized the remaining important action items:
Build the network for the OFN
After inception in Q2, we need to move forward and implement the prototype + do the big UX work, list stories and start to DO it!
Future proof the tech platform
Biggest priority for Q3 remains Spree upgrade which has moved forward a little bit but hard to estimate, maybe 10%? So big priority and and least Pau, Maikel an Hugs are going to be full time on it.
All inception work has been done for “cookies policy”, and implementation should start now and hopefully will be done in Q3.
Make what we have great
In Q2 first inception have been done on delivery note / how to issue legal invoices. We are working on UX now and have outstanding issues to discuss (about various types of order cycles that would need specific treatments) so this needs to move forward in Q3 and implementation of a first iteration of delivery note should happen.
Also we rolled over first iteration on mobile shopping includes listing first quick wins from previous recommendations and agree on some first stories to push through delivery pipe.
Curation team also proposed to include smaller less prioritary stories, like minimum spend, bulk invoice printing, adding a new payment system that is wanted by various users (Paybox), and some inceptions on US weight and measure (see if that’s a big chunk or not), and another small need to enable producers to see customers names in hubs reports. We added as well an item called “theresa’s report” that we don’t know yet what it is but seemed a quick wins and we wanted to try and balance so that every instance can have some small things to feed them.
Still remaining from last year