Our super beta tester / user in France is going to use OFN to manage a POS with products for sale and also a snack where they are going to serve soups, dishes, etc.
Their idea is to have in the shop computers so that people buying in the “products for sale” zone can take what they want, and then self-cashout using the OFN shop on the computer
For the “snack” zone, they will have a special shopfront with the menu on it and make an order for a table (the tables will be pre-registered as shipping method). When the clients pay, he will just find the order and take the paiment, and print a receipt through a new “action” option in the order page (features currently being developped by @pierredelacroix).
It’s still under testing and experimentation, but I thought that ca inspire the community on another way to use the OFN
We need to modify another thing, as the user needs to be able to find easily the order for a given table. So we propose to modify the view of this page:
And add, like for the bulk edit product page, a button “column” where the hub manager can add columns and show “shipping method”, “first name”, “family name”, “email”, etc.
Ping @Kirsten @sstead @NickWeir @danielle @oeoeaio
I d’ont see any possible negative impact on that, but please let me know if there is any objection if we modify that page that way.