Open Street Map vs Google Maps?

Hum… @bingxie I guess we’ll have to do with that for the moment… maybe we can explain somewhere in the FAQ what we have done and why, so that we are transparent? Better done than perfect, and we are moving one step forward toward OSM :wink: @sstead I think you maange the website, what do you think about that? Where can we give that transparent info?

Hi @MyriamBoure, I don’t think the User Guide FAQs is the place to put that. Perhaps you can communicate the reasoning to your users? Essentially, while we would like to use OSM for all of the mapping functionality, for now we need to continue to use the Google database to ensure addresses in rural areas are accurate, when OSM improves on this front we can look at using their database.

This has been significantly completed and this discussion can be closed. Pick up further discussion from Improving User 'Discovery' on OFN - map 'quick wins'