Open sourcing sector reports

At the global gathering we discussed the idea of open sourcing our sector development resources.

With this new report - and the next couple of reports we’re soon to release - we decided to run an experiment on what open sourcing knowledge might look like (and whether it’s worth doing again. ( )

At the moment my thinking on how we might open up these reports is to upload them to gitbooks in a slightly more generic form - e.g. some of our Australian content would be a case study rather than the dominant content - and to include requests for content/research questions/prompts within each section. It would be fantastic to get contributions from other instances, but we’d also aim to open it up to the public to contribute.

Does anyone have other ideas on how to open source additions to reports like this?

I’m also trying to understand whether we can use our existing gitbooks account and invite people to just public reports, without inviting them to our handbooks etc that are edited by people within the organisation. Does anyone know?

Any other thoughts/recommendations?

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I think its a great idea to open access to our work. Sorry - I don’t know the best way to do this technically. It seems that regardless, we need to anticipate time for preparation and curation. But I think its worth doing. In the upcoming months OFN-CAN should have a few pieces to add too. I also think that - now we know we are going to do this - instances can write reports that are more ‘generic’ with additional instance-specific sections if necessary for funders. I’ll prep our reports this way for example - so sharing them will be easier.