For the record, I share the message a wrote on the Slack channel
a little update about things we talked about with @rachel . Let us know if you have any concerns:
• PRs that must make it to v2: #3734, #3747, #3717. The others are not critical and could wait for a v2.1.0 soon after
• We need to prepare a v1.31.0, just missing #3763, and do mainly a sysadmin testing. It’s about getting the infrastructure 100% ready.
• We still need to enable the latest Datadog monitoring and backups on Katuma production. v1.31.0 is needed for that as well.
• v2 release needs to be prepared and tested.
Agenda we suggest:
- Today: prepare v1.31.0, get Katuma’s sysadmin stuff ready, move the 3 required v2 PRs merged
- Tomorrow: do quick testing of v1.31.0, prepare v2 release
- Monday: deploy v1.31.0 to Katuma, make sure we have production backups available (test rollbacks), v2 release testing and compare Katuma production (v1.31.0) with Katuma staging (v2)
- Tuesday: Deploy v2 to Katuma production
, spot any issues that might need patching and prepare v2.0.1 if needed
- Wednesday: relax and enjoy. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly and there’ll be no
Next instance to deploy v2
We also briefly discussed what should be the next instance to deploy v2. I suggested BE but DE could also be a candidate. They are the only ones among the small instances that use ofn-install
. Essential to deploy v2 confidently at this stage.
Both have pros and cons though, one of them being that they don’t have actual customers so it’ll be a bit harder to spot issues.
On the other hand, the lack of customers makes unnecessary to communicate the scheduled maintenance to all users. Enough telling so to the appropriate people.
thoughts @Kirsten @Matt-Yorkley @luisramos0?