OFN Footer in Order Confirmation Email is confusing to shoppers

Also, picking up on @Erioldoesdesign’s point about an audit of our emails @RonellaG and @chez - perhaps we can take that on board and potentially come back with a new wishlist item for discussion (down the track) if it seems to be warranted?

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I’m not quite following your question - right now the email address in each footer is the email set in configuration to send emails. Is that what you are asking? We don’t want all confirmation emails having the global address - do we?

What I’m not clear on is if we replace the current branded footer with a simple, single link (as per below), do we want the destination to be an email address or a URL? @Erioldoesdesign would an email address be normal in this context?

Your shopping experience is powered by Open Food Network

If it is configurable then that’s great and we can leave it to the instance to decide. I’m just not clear on what is configurable and where. I’m assuming we need to set something as a default - right?

My proposal would be that we link Open Food Network to the Global email address (mailto:hello@openfoodnetwork.org) and if this is configurable then an instance can change it to their local support email.

I’ve just realised we need a T-shirt size on this. Before I log in Github, can someone like @luisramos0 or @Matt-Yorkley or @maikel give me an estimate please, as I’d like to move this forward as a Papercut?

What is Proposed?
Remove OFN branded Footer from bottom of Order Confirmation emails and replace with a single text link. Order confirmation emails are sent to customers who place orders with an Enterprise. Current Footer looks like this:

Screen Shot 2020-10-30 at 12.09.31 PM

There may need to be a small amount of design input to finalised this as a Next Up Papercut however @Erioldoesdesign has suggested something like the below (a single line of text with a link) would be papercut sized:

The only outstanding detail to be confirmed is the destination URL for the link, and whether this would be configurable per Instance. Question asked above, not sure if the answer will impact on Tshirt size.

I’m pretty sure it could be done to go to the email that is used by the instance for order confirmations and that would be best. This definitely looks like a papercut to me. I wouldn’t worry about getting a t-shirt size from dev here @EmilyRogers - we can discuss it in papercut curation. I suggest getting it into github on a story template and into the potential papercuts process :slight_smile:

Noting that for australia this will meant that emails go to orders@openfood. . which means we will likely need some process for monitoring or forwarding those to make sure we don’t miss them

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I think I would vote for b. I don’t want shoppers to contact the instance :slight_smile: But I’m not sure I want to push FR users to the global English website. I would favor this bit linking back to the instance home page.

@Kirsten re the process, I’ve been asked elsewhere to wait for T-shirt size on discourse. It would be good to have only one process so we all know what to do with our potential papercuts :see_no_evil:

I think we agree papercuts are XS or max S. I think if they are on discourse we (devs) can validate they are papercuts before going to GH. If they appear directly on GH we can do the size validation there.
Anyway, this one is a papercut yes :+1:

The URL version is very papercut territory and the only design need is to make sure we use correct hex colours, fonts and font size which I’m confident devs and other know.

if in doubt, hex colour #000000 or #black is accessible and on brand. Link blue colour tends to auto-generate with the HTML so rarely needs a hex.

From a UX pov sending them to https://www.openfoodnetwork.org/ in this wording is logical so is fine from design pov.

what we might want to anticipate…without an email address in the footer shopper-users who have problems and our less tech savvy and/or don’t have time to look through our website for the about/help links will just reply to the email with their query. Because what we’re doing here is removing the opportunity for users that have problems to email the address from the footer, but we’re not actually offering them a place to go when they have a problem with the email content/order etc.

So, just FYI if you see the same amount or more emails coming back to the order confirmation email in the form of a reply.

The process of ensuring shopper-users have a clear route to getting help via an order confirmation email is for sure, non-papercut territory and more ‘service design-y’ user journey work. :slight_smile:

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OK i have drafted the issue in Github, but I want to clarify this final detail in this discussion before I finalise it. https://github.com/openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork/issues/6102

Can we make the URL a specific page for each instance? @Kirsten tells me there may be a string in there somewhere for the About page on the instance. @Rachel would that work for you? If this already exists and can be dropped in here it feels like a sensible option to me.

@luisramos0 is this a thing??

not a problem in terms of size, even if it’s a new URL to be added somewhere in the backoffice configuration (content?).

Great, so it looks like the option can be determined by dev for easiest:
a) URL with backoffice config / content as a customisable URL
b) URL using the About string URL (so going to the instance’s about page)

If A can people put an email and it will generate an email or it doesn’t work like that?

@EmilyRogers can you update the issue to reflect this

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Looks like you’ve done this @Kirsten - thanks!