OFN and OpenOlitor

As part of a conversation with Mikel Cordovilla, active OpenOlitor developer, we investigated different possibilities for collaboration between OFN and OpenOlitor.

Characteristics of the Tools

For people familiar with openolitor coming to this post, OFN is a community and a tool (this is a good list of things OFN does).

OpenOlitor is also an open source project. It’s a well established tool to manage CSAs in Switzerland and currently expanding to other countries. The German version is the one mostly used and the French version is about to be ready.

From a tech perspective, OFN is a Rails 3.2 app based on Spree Ecommerce with AngularJS 1.5 web components. Open Olitor is a Scala application with web components built with AngularJS 1.6.

Shared Benefits

OpenOlitor will be a source of valuable knowledge for the development of the OFN’s Subscriptions module. We agreed we will continue the conversation about functionality in more detail in the near future with a more appropriate group of people.

Mikel sounded really interested and quickly suggested a simple way the 2 tools could be integrated: make openolitor users self-registration possible through OFN. I have created a OFN wishlist item for that: Allow other tools to rely on OFN for user registration


This topic is part of the larger integrations scope recently discussed here:

Other posts with references to Openolitor are:

This post is a wiki, please correct if I missed something.


Yay, cool!

Maybe the OFN rollout in Germany would still fit under the umbrella of sunu?

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quick glance suggests that maybe it could @yova - and would be great it if did I think (although I don’t really understand all the organisations / projects etc)

Wonderful, things connect! This is exactly what I dreamt about :blush:!
@yova Out of my point of view it needs another umbrella to give things a good common ground. I think we should discuss that within the solawi-networking-event in november in Kassel.

Awesome, it’s great to start to build cooperation and think about small concrete steps while we handle bigger discussions in parallel. I’ll go to the other post to comment of the first concrete little step :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing feedback @luisramos0 !