Notify Producers email to include customer details

Follow up @lin_d_hop - when you say automated on OC close - do you mean that by default ALL OCs would notify producers when they close, OR would this be an option that enterprises select?

@lin_d_hop Can you clarify what you mean when you say that the UK won’t use this? Do you mean that the Notify Producers Button is not visible in the UK instance? Or just that enterprises in the UK don’t find this useful?

We get a lot of requests in Aus to have customer names in the existing Notify Producers email, but I imagine we’d also have enthusiasm for an automated ‘End of OC’ option as well.

I feel as though we’d be moving out of Papercut territory to extend this issue, and so I’d still like to push ahead with making the existing Notify Producers ‘button triggered’ email compatible with the checkbox we recently implemented to opt to include Customer Names in reports. Perhaps an automated end of OC report could be initiated as a separate discussion?

To that end, does anyone object if I go ahead and create a GitHub issue as follows:

When the Customer Names in Reports button is checked, the Notify Producers email should include two sets of data for the Order Cycle. The first set of data grouped by VARIANT as per the current email. The second set of data grouped by CUSTOMER. The email would look like what the UK send (see above) but would also show the Customer’s Last Name.

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The UK have solved this problem with an integration that does two tasks:

  • automate the sending of ‘Notify Producers’
  • include customer names when producers and hubs agree.
    So without the automation we’ll still be providing the integration for people.

Automation is definitely outside the scope of this issue.

@EmilyRogers The appropriate papercut enhancement would be as you suggest. Please do create this issue :slight_smile:

perfect - thanks for ploughing through this one with me @EmilyRogers!!!

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Here’s the issue in GitHub. I’ve tagged it as a Potential Papercut. While we have someone in there editing this email, I have included one additional detail - to add the name of the Order Cycle (ie. Ready For) to the content of the email. Cheeky!? Maybe yes, but it seemed sensible to do the two things together if it doesn’t change the t-shirt size.

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please remove the add name of order cycle into separate issue @EmilyRogers

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Done. Separate issue here Notify Producers Email includes Name of Order Cycle