Notify Producers email to include customer details

Right! This is it exactly. What could be an easier functional workaround (I can’t really say, not being a Ruby coder … I’m a PHP guy) is to give producers permissions to see the names of the people ordering from them through a hub in the Pack by Customer report. Right now, what they see is this:

If they could see the code, first name, and last name fields in that report, we’d be alright.

This becomes more problematic when dealing with exact weight/volume products, like meat, that would be invoiced at a specific price to a specific customer, before they collect their orders from us. Without that data, our hub volunteers would have to go through invoices individually to find the right product and price, vs. placing the labeled products in the named bins.

How hard would it be to let hub suppliers see the names of those who ordered their products in the packing report?