Network - phase 1

Themes priotisation

After having discussed the Product Finder, we regrouped and voted on the areas that we believed were most critical to focus on. Here’s the outcome of that voting.

The themes with most stars seemed to have a higher priority. The Product Finder falls under the column on the left, so we decided to switch our focus on themes with a more immediate need.

This brought us to start exploring the concept of sourced variants.

Sourced variants - digital prototype

Sourced variants enable Hubs to create new variants linked to products that they don’t have manage products permissions for.
Currently, hubs can use inventory to override some fields for variants that they don’t manage directly. Sourced variants expand on that capability and enable for more advanced use cases of networked products.
The underlying reason for this idea is to move away from the Inventory functionality. It’s hard to understand for users, it has been adopted from some when it’s not actually needed, and it also present some technical challenges that we want to minimize in the future.

A prototype for sourced variants is available here.
An explanation video for the prototype below

Before going too far with our imagination, it’s time to get some feedback from the producers and hubs, more on that in the next post.