Localisation, OFN in your language

Hi all, i just finished translating the remaining strings for Spanish in transifex, hopefully will be reviewed or pushed to github soon for future versions.

  1. Could the maintainer @mkllnk (i think corresponds to @maikel) add Catalan language so we can used it in our region too?

  2. Could OFN support multi-language (with a dropbox selector on the right-hand-side, no flags pls), because in Spain we have at least 4 languages and restricting people to only use 1 language at their hub it’s kind of a disadvantage.


Hey @capiscuas, I added Catalan for you. We have recently added the possibilty for machine translation through Google translate API so you can try that if you want. It is the lightning symbol in the translation interface. It gives a suggestion so you should go through it before saving.

Multilingual is on the roadmap, GH project here. Maybe @lin_d_hop or @softgust can shine a light on the state of work.

@capiscuas you can even join our slack channel, there’s a dedicated channel for multilingual there :slight_smile: Ping me with your email if you can’t join and I’ll invite you.

Thanks a lot @sigmundpetersen , my email is capiscuas __ AT ___ gmail COM , pls add me to the slack.

OFN Germany is looking for help with translation. Please ping @orangeman and @Odi if you can help. Thanks

@maikel is away on holiday at the moment, not sure if he will be interested in helping when he gets back. @simoneluijckx - you don’t know any german do you?

@Kirsten , not well enough to translate OFN technical terms unfortunately.

Maybe @Selmo will know ? :wink:

Have you affiliates from Arabic countries before?
I am from Palestine and OFN is something precious for us. Ill speak with some grass-roots organizations to build a localization team. Ill write Nick asking for access to OFN demo …
Please check my recent post to see my intentions.

Hi @WaelAura
Yes @rafat-khashan has prepared an Arabic transifex file for OFN. I will ask him to share it with you.
I will email you some start up links and would be VERY happy to help you start to use OFN in Palestine. I will also add you to the OFN UK demo hub so you can see how that works


Hi @WaelAura welcome to OFN, am happy to have you here

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It would be great to get the English text for the OFN introduction video uploaded on Transifex to get it translated in Arabic. This will help our audience to easily become aware about OFN. I would engage in translating it then.
cc: @maikel NickWeir @rafat-khashan

Interesting idea to use Transifex for translating these things. Would it be just as good if someone gave you the English text and you translate it? Or does Transifex something in addition?

I am not an expert … but
" every single video that gets uploaded to YouTube gets transcribed automatically by the service. To prove it, go to any YouTube video and click the Subtitles/Closed Captions option at the bottom right of the video " https://www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/how-to-create-video-subtitles-quickly-for-free/

We can then move the transcript line for line into Transfix and move it back to the video subtitle after translation. (haven’t done that before)

@WaelAura Yes, Youtube transcribes all videos. It did that with our one you linked above as well. There are a few mistakes in there. It would be great if someone would do it properly.

I’m just not sure where Transifex helps us. Once we have a text copy of the transcript, we can just post it here in the forum and people can translate it. Transifex is currently only used to translate the software platform. I’m not sure how easy it is to put some random text in there.

I will ask in our Slack channel if anyone would like to transcribe the video properly. We can then work on translating it.

OK. They must know better how the process is … we can use google doc for translating each line. But I think their might be an interface between the open translation tool and youtube so one can uplaod the translated file and not to do it line for line … not sure.
Let me know when you have more details. You can add me on slack as well … would love to engage and learn.
albaydar.earth -at- gmail