July 10 Testing - 2 branches

Hi @sstead,

Here’s some notes on two branches to test. bugsnag-bugfixes is in staging ready to go.


Setting enterprise permalinks

  • Should give a spinner then say “Available” or “Unavailable”
  • Should not fill the permalink field with garbage

About URL

  • /about_us should redirect to the About page
  • The URL is defined in Admin -> Configuration -> Content

Deleting enterprise relationships

  • When you delete an enterprise, it should delete its relationships as well
  • If it doesn’t delete the relationships, you’ll get an error when trying to delete the enterprise


On the map, when we click on a producer, if its products are available through any hubs,
then we should see “Shop for XYZ products at” … and a list of hubs.
It should list all the hubs for that producer.
For producer shops, we should not have any double-up between the hub details (ie. “Change shop to:…”) and the producer details (ie. “Shop for XYZ products at”)

When I try to delete an enterprise- it’s working for some enterprises (a producer profile), but not for others (a hub).
Rohan, mentioned that the likely reason for being unable to delete is because some transaction or order is linked to that profile.

On the map modal- I had 2 producers with products stocked in Demo Hub’s shop (in active order cycle). In profile window, there was no mention of ‘shop now at Demo Hub’. There was E2E granted from the producers to Demo Hub (P-OC and P-manage products).
Shop now at producer shop - is working.