Incorrect back/next links in user guide

In the hubs user guide, the Back/Next links don’t use the canonical URL of the pages they link to, which sometimes puts you on an incorrect page. For example, going from the “Hub profile types” to the “Dashboard” page lands you on the Dashboard page of the Producer set-up guide. (Other pages might be affected as well, I did not get that far yet :slight_smile: )

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Next button, which links to

Expected result:
You end up on , the Dashboard page of the hub set-up guide.

Actual result:
You end up on , the Dashboard page of the producer set-up guide.

@sstead are you able to help @jan.fabry with this?

@jan.fabry thanks for the heads up! I’ve fixed the broken link. Cheers.