Improving User 'Discovery' on OFN Map

can you record the call for those of us who won’t be awake please :slight_smile:

of course - but if you think foks in Aus are interested - maybe we try out different timing – @osb - what time zone are you in? Would it work if we did timing like 6:00 -7:00 pm (ET) (so 8:00 - 9:00 am Aus)?

I’m in UK, so on BST

i’d stuggle to get to it next week anyway so please go ahead at time suits you, i’m happy to see notes from others or catch up with conversation as it progresses. Probably worth starting a new thread though please as we still need to work out what to do with the work on this one!

OK. Time zones foil us again it seems :upside_down_face: So @osb - can we go back to Friday May 30, 4:00 PM uk, 11:00 am for @dthomas and I. We can record and then we’ll see about a way to loop in the Aus team subsequently. I know that OFN-AUS and OFN-CAN have been particularly keen on improving discovery on OFN, and engaged in various directory kind of work. But - other instances are welcome to explore with us of course. If the time works I’ll set up a zoom.

Great to see the conversations moving forward!

From the Murmurations side the next step is a schema for a local food system profile. OFN and Murmurations can co-develop this. This has obvious overlaps with the Data Food Consortium work and with OFN API work, alongside the discovery conversations.

Not sure where you are all at in terms of a meeting - if you just want to have a general chat or if it’s important that we make sure there is also technical representation at the meeting. If the latter is it worth thinking about who should be around the table and doodling?

In OFN-CAN we have looked through Murmurations and have a basic understanding of it. So - I wonder if it would be good to try to move beyond that now - to think about how OFN might make best use here - and explore schema development? (Thanks @lin_d_hop for clearly identifying next steps - I was floundering here.) Lynn- would you, or another more technically skilled OFN person be able to make a meeting Friday May 30, 4:00 pm UK? If not - I’d say its worth finding a time when you can join. I’m not sure OFN-CAN alone can advance this much…

OH this arranging meeting stuff is ghastly!! I suggested May 30, when I meant April 30 - but now I can’t make April 30 anyway… Shoot me now!!! @osb , @lin_d_hop , @dthomas - could we schedule this for Thursday May 6 - anytime that works for EST and UK time (so 9 - 1:00 pm EST; 2: 00 - 5:00 UK)? Or other suggestion? I think Lynn is right - someone from OFN with technical background needs to participate. I’m open to other ideas. Sorry I totally screwed up on this one.

Thursday May 6th works for me, not much at all on my schedule at this point …

“Doing diaries” is always tricky, esp with time zones and busy people… :wink:
Thurs May 6 at 5pm Uk time should work for me.
But maybe we can start to cover some of the questions asynchronously?
What would you like to cover when we meet?
It would be lovely to meet you all but perhaps we can get the ball rolling now anyway…
Most of the detail about Murmurations is explained in the latest update blog post - which links to lots of the other resources, including the API
Have a play with the demo, make a profile and see it pop up on the map

If you think what we have built looks like something you would like to use for OFN the next step would be to define a “schema” for OFN, by following the steps defined on the Murmurations Library readme… or the more detailed walk through on the wiki.

As mentioned above, the first step to creating a schema is to define which fields you would like to include… so, if you would like to explore this, that would be the first step of the work.

Is there a Sign up form somewhere, which shows all the fields you ask people to fill in in order to get on your existing map?

I hope this helps!?

:point_up: this is the registration form. But this information is in some ways too detailed for the map and in some ways is insufficient detail for the map.

However I think when we think about this we’re more likely to be thinking about what an API endpoint for get_enterprises would look like. This is something on our API roadmap and would be a good overlap with these conversations.

@tschumilas Would you be up for creating an event in the global calendar for this datetime? I can add @osb to the invite (or Oli, you could share you email with Theresa on Slack :slight_smile:)

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I’m: osb [at] open [dot] coop

Are we planning on meeting today at 17:00 uk time?
No problem if not - I just want to plan my day…

I can’t see it in the global calendar so I’m not sure this has been set up :frowning:

Oli, I can show you the current API endpoint in OFN for an ‘enterprise’. I’ll email you a json file.

This current schema is bloated and not practical for the kind of long enterprise list needed for mapping. I think it would be useful to think about what a concise enterprise schema might look like, that would enable a long list of enterprises to be returned with the appropriate data for mapping/discovery.



Sorry I’m not following here but I just wanted to share that in FR we’ve sent a survey to our 519 enterprises managers. Around 45% of them participated (almost one per big active users).
Only 27 participants declared being interested in getting mapped elsewhere than our main website.
And even when they agree to be mapped somewhere else, a majority of them wants to be able to review each new actors that will consume their data and be able to consent or not to this new mapping.

I’m sharing this as I know our enterprises endpoints are currently public.
So far they are not consumed by anyone else but us. Please keep me in the loop if this is about to change, so at least I can prepare communication and/or alternatives :pray: Thanks!

Hi again everyone. I feel like we (OFN-Can) dropped this ball. We’d now like to pick it up again. We have a doctoral student interested in helping us move this forward as a project… I’m pinging you folks because I wonder if you have thought more on what the next steps would be, and how we could use our (mostly) non-technical resources to help - while making sure all things OFN product move forward coherently? @lin_d_hop @Kirsten @Rachel

also pinging @dthomas

What kind of doctoral student? My answer will differ greatly depending on the skills they bring :wink:

Essentially in this work we need to do all preparation to get things pipe ready - meaning:

  • Understanding the problems
  • Understanding where the most bang for buck solutions are
  • Understanding how these solutions would fit into the pipe eg papercuts, funded features
  • Preparing designs and issues

I suspect a student with product/dev/design skills could make quite a bit of headway using the platform, talking with people new to OFN while they try to ‘discover’ enterprises, gathering all the posted info across discourse. Someone with facilitation skills could use this info to prepare a meeting in which OFN heads input their frustrations and knowledges. From there we might find some useful bits needing design contribution.

Does that help light a potential path?