What is the need / problem
- As a hub manager I run a public shop and require customers to login to buy. But some customers buy and don’t come to pick up. Or even if the shop is public the shop is invisible on the map and we send the link only to the list of members so when people are not members anymore we want to keep the records but remove their access to the shop.
- As a hub manager I run a private shop. With the way the feature is designed today, all the people listed on my customer list can access my private shop.
If I want to remove the access to my private shop for a customer, today I have no way to do that: I can’t delete a customer from my customer list. I can’t either setup anywhere that he cannot see my shop.
Who does it impact
All private shop hubs + invisible shops who manage member access on public shop + public shops who have issues with some shoppers.
At the end it’s quite a lot of shops.
What is the current impact of this problem
The hub manager cannot block / remove access to the shop.
What is the benefit in focusing on this
Enable hub manager to remove access to customers who previously had access if they are not members anymore or if they didn’t honor their previous order engagements.
Links to more details
An issue was opened in GH, we thought it was a bug but was just that the feature was not super well designed. So we propose to evaluate the feature candidates to answer that need and choose one before we implement the private shop v2 feature that allow removing access for customers.
Potential solutions that will solve this problem
1 - Add the possibility to “block” a customer (status “blocked” for a given shop on a customer account). That would either:
1.1 Remove access to the shop so users can’t see the shopfront and get the message “You can’t access that shop, either because it requires membership, or because the shop manager has denied access. For any question you can ask [hub mail]”
1.2 Shop the shop but prevent shopping when try click on “checkout” instead of having the link to choose between login and checkout as guest, we could display. "Your status with that shop doesn’t allow you to checkout. Please contact [hub mail] for further information
2- Soft delete a customer from customer list. Should not affect previous records with that customers (orders basically), just remove the customer from view in the customer page, so the customer will not be able to buy again. The problem is the shop loose track of the activity with the customer, doesn’t sound ideal… That doesn’t solve the problem of blocking access to a customer on a public shop (invisible or not)
3 - Add a column in customer page called “shop access” and a check box that enable to give/remove access. The access to the shop should be conditionned to this checkbox. Advantage is that the hub manager doesn’t loose the history of the relationship with the user, and can manage users who become active, inactive and then active again (like a buying group member who stop being a member for one year and join again). Messages display could be same as option 1 (3.1 and 3.2 then).
We would need some dev input on how complex 1/3 are. I think 2 doesn’t solve the issue… even if it will be needed at some point.
T-shirt size of the selected feature candidate
Feature candidate to be chosen first
Metrics to measure if need is well satisfied after feature has been implemented
- every hub can block access to a specific customer account (registered customer) to their shop. (Y/N)