What is the need / problem
Some enterprises face small issues while creating their first entreprise through entreprise modal.
Who does it impact
Some entreprises wanting to go on OFN
What is the current impact of this problem
Might annoy a bit new enterprises willing to use OFN.
What is the benefit in focusing on this
Make onboarding process smoother.
Links to more details
- Change from 3 letters abbreviation in entreprise set up modal to full state name for instances who require it: Change from 3 Letter abbriviation for Enterprise registration county · Issue #1186 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub
- UX improvement on image upload on entreprise set up modal: When filling in my profile, if I go back to a previous stage of the process, images are lost · Issue #794 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub
Potential solutions that will solve this problem
Potential feature candidate = review onboarding UX (includes stories like change from 3 letters abbreviations, review image upload and resizing, etc.)