Hi @Kirsten @sstead @tschumilas @MyriamBoure @FoodConnectRD
We are with you all on this. Myriam summed it up best in that last paragraph,
“So yes we do need some easy to print packing sheets, and we need some user investigation, to document how various hubs do to see some common patterns, maybe we will realize that one common solution could fit all needs, or that we need 2-3 different types of packing sheets. So to find one or various features candidates we need some investigation work… I think we need a “product owner” to organize and facilitate that work… would you like to take that role @tschumilas? I’m happy to do some investigation in France with our main users and document those in our Drive for instance. I guess if every instance does that then we can look at all that and see the common patterns to draw potential solutions…”
We would like to participate in this, @FoodConnectRD, what do you think?