Continuing the discussion from Global Stewardship Meeting - 12 November 2024
New instances
Nick: Part of Senegal funding fell through; enough to pay local devs, but not global devs - eating up quite a bit of David C’s time
Kirsten: We have to insist on some funding for David C’s time. There is no surplus
David: raises a question about the ‘scale by extending/adding’ instances model
Kirsten - asks us to quote between $70-$140 Aus for David C’s time
Theresa: proposes hiatus on adding new instances, unless there are resources to pay for dev support
Instance manager update
Kirsten: Circle has atrophied, because IM don’t feel they have a stake in product process - this is on Genevieve’s radar as an issue
Theresa: IM’s dont understand budge reality, aren’t aware we are only on funded features.
Kirsten: Product pipe exists, but is moving slow - not exciting. Need to find a way to revive connection between IMs and product
Personnel changes
Gen is onboarding. Kirsten: absorbing an intense amount of information, and is asking great questions. Serenity: Feels a need to get her focused on OFN product soon, and pressure from board to define strat based on her recommendations
Nick: OFN UK have employed Philippe Rahbe (from Coop Circuit) to help with user support
Theresa: No reason that support can’t be mutualized, internationally
Serenity: Board uncomfortable with 'fiscal cliff, so Aus will likely need to cut user support.
Serenity: Can we offline, async, discuss how to resource rolls across instances - user support
David: +1 - for comms and other services too
Kirsten: Set up some version of global sheet, but for comms and user support?
Fundraising Update
- Nick: Francisco submitted WINN-organic. And a second one just submitted - Nick will follow up on how much, $2 million across multiple OFN instances
- David - approached by Lynne and Garethe at FDC re a UK <> Canada R&D grant
Kirsten Goodbye
Theresa to set up meeting re mutualizing resources for comms and user support
David to follow up with Radical Data re funding opportunity
Nick to follow up with Filipe on Lambda funding opportunity